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The Inn Of The Sixth Happiness =“六福客棧”
The Inn of the Sixth Happiness is a 1958 20th Century Fox film based on the true story of Gladys Aylward, a tenacious British woman, who became a missionary in China during the Second Sino-Japanese War. Directed by Mark Robson, who received a nomination for the Academy Award for Best Director, the film stars Ingrid Bergman as Aylward and Curt Jürgens as her love interest, Captain Lin Nan, a Chinese Army officer with a Dutch father. Robert Donat, who played the mandarin of the town in which Aylward lived, died before the film was released.
The musical score was composed and conducted by Malcolm Arnold. The cinematography was by Freddie Young. The film was shot in Snowdonia, North Wales. Most of the children in the film were ethnic Chinese children from Liverpool, home to the oldest Chinese community in Europe.
That is Tsai Chin as Sui-Lan in the early days of her incredible film and theater career. She had recently finished her training at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts in London -- the first Chinese actress to do so. Though the film adaptation was given to Nancy Kwan, Chin originated the title role in THE WORLD OF SUZY WONG in London's West End to great acclaim; it permanently put her on the theatrical map. Among her multitude of achievements, she went on to be one of the Bond Girls in the opening scene of YOU ONLY LIVE TWICE (1967). She was daughter to Christopher Lee's FU MANCHU in several of the series. Michelangelo Antonioni cast her as David Hemmings' receptionist in BLOWUP (1966). Unusual for an Asian actress in the Western entertainment industry she has managed a lifelong career even through extraordinary ups and downs.. Featured as Auntie Lindo in THE JOY LUCK CLUB, Sandra Oh's mother in GREY's ANATOMY and recently in the acclaimed indie LUCKY GRANDMA a film built for and around her. She returned to China in 2010 to appear as the matriarch in the umpteenth adaptation of A DREAM OF RED MANSIONS, a lavish 50+ episode epic serialization which pulled all the stops out. DAUGHTER OF SHANGHAI, a very interesting documentary concerning her life and the fascinating natal family of which she was a part, was released a few years back and is well worth the 90 minute investment. Thanks for posting an excellent copy of this wonderful classic film!
55:14 出現的國旗 (KMT)
at @36'29" - 六福客棧Ingrid Bergman "The Inn Of The Sixth Happiness,"
One of the best-loved and most beautiful of stars, Ingrid Bergman was among the most controversial. An icon of romantic love, she was also one of the most down-to-earth and realistic of women. Subscribe for more Hollywood biographies and stories! http://bit.ly/HollywoodCollectionSub Included are clips from twenty-five of her films, such as Intermezzo, Casablanca, Spellbound, Notorious, For Whom The Bell Tolls, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, The Bells of St Mary’s, The Inn Of The Sixth Happiness, Joan Of Arc and her three Academy Award winning classics: Gaslight, Anastasia, and Murder On The Orient Express. Also shown are rare Hollywood screen tests, delightful home movies from her childhood, her first press conference after her self-imposed exile in Europe and interviews with Liv Ullmann, Angela Lansbury, Anthony Quinn, Jose Ferrer, Ann Todd, and Colleen Dewhurst, and many others. Subscribe for more Hollywood biographies and stories! http://bit.ly/HollywoodCollectionSubs...
“不遠萬裏千裏迢迢來到中國,你一定會想到白求恩,但是有一個一米50的小女人...... 1970年1月3日艾薇德長眠主懷。葬於台北淡水基督學院內,碑文蔣介石手書“弘道遺愛”。她的頭對著中國大陸山西陽城。僅僅悼念她是不夠的,我們今天最大的罪惡是對她的遺忘。。。” “往大了說,堪稱中國版的特蕾莎嬤嬤,往小了說,是宗教信仰的普世價值。這樣的人和事值得像拉貝,辛德勒,何鳳山一樣大書特書,而不是由於種種原因藏在曆史的角落。 正如:我不敢肯定天堂什麽樣,但我知道,當我們死後,上帝會審判我們。他不會問,“在你一生中做了多少好事?”相反,他會問,“在你所做的事裏,傾注了多少愛?”
感謝主 讓我看到這人影片以及您的解說 馬太福音5:19 ——虛心的人有福了,因為天國是他們的。哀慟的人有福了,因為他們必得安慰。溫柔的人有福了,因為他們必承受地土。饑渴慕義的人有福了,因為他們必得飽足。憐恤人的人有福了,因為他們必蒙憐恤。清心的人有福了,因為他們必得見神。使人和睦的人有福了,因為他們必稱為神的兒子。為義受逼迫的人有福了,因為天國是他們的。人若因我辱罵你們,逼迫你們,捏造各樣壞話毀謗你們,你們就有福了。應當歡喜快樂,因為你們在天上的賞賜是大的。在你們以前的先知,人也是這樣逼迫他們。
謝謝播主的分享!這個是好萊塢難得的一個福音電影,雖然不像那些專門的教會的基督徒拍的福音電影。也許導演跟你一樣是不了解聖經的, 這個了解不是字麵意思上上的, 而是心靈上的。
有些背景可以幫助你理解曆史,山西,陝西在此前幾十年的義和團時代, 有大量的基督徒,外國傳教士在這個區域被屠殺,數量不下幾萬人,年齡也不盡幾歲的跟七老八十的,有的宣教士一家人全部都被屠殺, 這個是我們教科書裏講義和團運動不願意描述的部分,而且這些基督徒的殉道者是19世紀全球最大的一批這樣殉道的基督徒。所以山西,陝西並不是沒有基督教文化的背景,就如羅馬時代一樣,第一批傳福音的彼得等一群會眾是被羅馬帝國殺了。但是越是這些邪惡的地方,越會有基督徒因為流血帶來複興, 你看見的是英國輝煌時代傳福音的過程, 這個時代你會看見中國強盛以後有基督徒開始向巴基斯坦,阿富汗傳福音,他們也會因此散失肉體的生命。
但是如果上帝不存在,你認為這些人的行為有意義嗎?這個就是你要琢磨的地方。。。 別說193X年的華人看見西方人會有如此大的動靜,就是1976年的昆明街頭,一個西方人的出現造成整個交通被堵塞,因為所有行人停在小西門圍觀一個西方人,那個年代作為小學生的我, 感覺這真夠丟人的, 他們見過猴子卻把西方人當作沒有見過的猴子一樣看待。 說你跟導演一樣是因為你要正確解讀女主人被乎召來中國傳福音,你要真的明白這些人就如聖經裏麵一樣,上帝會親自跟他們超自然的記號,而且把超自然的愛放在他們內心, 他們才有這麽強大的內心可以讓身邊的普通人完全無法理解來做一些特別的事情, 你要明白聖經,並經曆聖經裏麵一樣的超自然你才明白為什麽她能做到這些已經超自然的事情,這些電影不會刻意顯露超自然的細節,但是你如果相信,你會越來越多看見你自己生活裏的超自然,特別這個時代,我們未來十年將是巨大震動的時代。。。
Ambrose HO