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靈氣-1. 秦嵐 cut《大唐女將樊梨花》第7-9集2.《穆桂英掛帥》 #羅晉#苗圃#張鐵林#斯琴高娃https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JdpyveqJhN8 3.《武則天秘史》 又名:武媚娘傳奇 主演:趙文瑄、殷桃、劉曉慶、斯琴高娃、唐國強、餘少群、秦海璐、蔣林靜、鍾欣潼、劉佩琦 ?劇情介紹: 唐太宗死後,武媚娘被打入感業寺被迫出家為尼,受盡淩辱。後因懷孕被高宗接進宮中。在一連串的宮廷鬥爭中,武媚娘親手扼殺女兒嫁禍王皇後,擊敗宰相長孫無忌,終於成為皇後。她與高宗相互依存又愛恨交加。武則天以她卓越的政治才能逐漸掌握實權,直到垂簾聽政。高宗死後,她孤軍奮戰,廢黜太子,任用酷吏,血腥鎮壓,把大唐天下改變國號為武周帝國,成為空前絕後的一代女皇。此時武則天雖已君臨天下,無奈漸入老境,無法排遣內心深處極端的孤獨和空虛,整日縱情聲色。同時又為皇位繼承人處心積慮,最後不得不把武周天下拱手讓給兒子,完成了她艱辛﹑離奇﹑輝煌而又痛苦的一生。 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WNrBxaKwlmI
武則天年少時期,心地軟受人欺侮,漸漸地長大了,才知如何保護自己,這才讓人感到是無比的心狠角色 強勢的人從小就是果敢的性格, 哪裏什麽軟弱, 殷桃演王政君合適, 演武媚娘缺乏靈氣--殷桃真不適合這個角色,熟悉,外型不行,不夠美。衝著劉曉慶來看看。 本來武媚娘就沒要做皇帝的念頭 若不是這些妖言惑眾 她也不會為自保而走上這條路。 武則天電視劇目前我隻認這一版,好歹女主麵相就端莊大氣 武曌是武則天當皇帝的時候取的 一個下巴尖尖的人來演武則天,這長相肯定是沒有老運氣行的,沒有說服力,這導演太失敗了! 可惜女主咀有大墨,扮李治的有點醜。 'm so happy to see this tv-series. At least I am not the only one who know. Wu Zetian didn't practically become emperor Taizong's wife. I'd say that's why she was in rank 5 concubine for 12 years. She didn't ask for a promotion or anything. She just worked for the Emperor Taizong as a secretary. As a matter of fact she love emperor Taizong like her own father. She did love him and take care of him just like her dad. This is a reason why the Emperor kept her by his side. He considered her like his daughter as well. It might be difficult to believe that Emperor Gaozong was a talented ruler. He really was. Over 30 year within his reign, this can be proved how talented he was. The confusion happened cuz he let empress Wu be there at the parliament instead of him when he got sick. But who know most of government plan that launched. It's all created by emperor. 'After Tang III' - my interpretation - 'Wu will rule' the Tang Dynasty after the death of the 3rd Tang Dynasty Emperor Daozong, the son of 2nd Tang Dynasty Emperor Taizong (the best Emperor of China) who ruled for 23 years from 626AD - 649AD. Wu Mei Niang had married Emperor Taizong at 13 years old. Later on had married her step-son Emperor Daozong and at 26 years old become an Empress in 655AD. Later on the only Female Emperor of China.