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Out of Liberty? 1839\'s America, \'the home of the brave, the la

(2021-01-05 18:45:50) 下一個
Out of Liberty 1839's America, "the home of the brave, the land of the free"!!!!

"Sir John Wayne''s Alamo

Out of Liberty

Apr 10, 2020
129M subscribers
Winter, 1839 - When Joseph Smith (Brandon Ray Olive) is jailed for treason, and Missouri mobs threaten justice, local jailer Samuel Tillery (Jasen Wade) takes the law into his own hands, in order to preserve Liberty.
MG Menace Gang
It’s a great movie...one of the best free ones for sure.
William Hanton
I enjoyed the movie, although I did have to turn the volume up quite bit. I appreciated the theme of the jailor standing up for justice against tons of pressure.
Lois Sawyer
Forgiven and he remember our sins no more. Go and sin no more.
Fran Salivar
I don’t think this movie could be any darker than what it was. Mostly I just listened to it. It was a good story.
Maria Mendoza
To be a hero requiere a lots of guts, a true sense of justice and liberty, qualities that most of us don’t have.
gunny USMC
Dam good movie. Didn't have any problems volume was fine clear video, my compliments sir
David Wallace
The dream, vision, struggle and fight for Freedom and liberty to brake free from tyranny with the ruthless king of England in the 10th and 11th Century. There was no freedom or liberty at all. All were subject to what the king said or that was that was the end of you. There were many uprisings and more people perished than you can imagine. There wasn't any courts, trials or Attorneys . All were in slavery and bondage to the king. The christopher Columbus sailed on the sea proving the world was not flat. All this was under authority of the king. From the year 1492 untill the mid 1700'S it was the king and Great Britain's rule to kidnap and bring thousands of African slaves to the new world. This is how the 13 Colonies came to be with Slavery from the ruthless king with iron fist. The people that lived in the colonies weren't free they were in bondage. Yes there were uprisings and alot ov people died fighting for liberty to have a Republic. Because ov heavy taxation alot ov people to the gallows. This is where the Funding Fathers come in, The allmighty God raised them up for that vary purpose. Thomas Jefferson wrote the first draft ov Declaration of Independence, the first Draft stated all men were created free by their creator. When it time for representatives from all13 Colonies to sine South Carolina and Georgia was unwilling to free the slaves so Thomas Jefferson had to rewrite the Declaration of independence. Or nobdy would be free. The declaration of independents the Constitution of US and Bill or Rights. At last gave us a free nation with liberty not dictated to by the king with no rights. It took almost 7 centuries for this To a cure and if we Liberties for government securities Will these are of just what we get government constitution was created by we the people to protect us of our liberties and rights it's not the other way around.
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Lois Sawyer
And he has for giving us for our sin .
Phillip Ferrell
Actually, one used to could get away with killing Mormons in Missouri. I didn't know that. That's unbelievable. https://www.news-leader.com/story/news/local/ozarks/2018/09/01/missouri-executive-order-44-mormon-war/1147461002/
Purplebishop RPGandBoardGamer
amazing movie . thank you for posting it .
Minkie Amoroso
Had no problem with the sound. My opinion, it was a great movie. Thank you for the download.
When you run out of liberty? Better make sure you don’t run out of bullets.
DandD D
Romans 10:13 King James Version 13 For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.
fungidungie Johnson
Good movie, right at the end I realized I have relatives in Liberty Missouri.
harry bridge
Great vid! Thanks!!
Bruce Barton
The voices were just too soft for my ears; I had the sound nearly on full volume. Gave up after 12 minutes.
Pam Weinberg
The meaning of being free and innocent all doing the Lord’s Work. Thank you for such a beautiful story. Thank you Thank you.
gertie hartson
I had no problem with the sound. Watched it on the I pad.
Obsidian Black Horse
This was a major PPP event, a Piss Poor Presentation. No wonder it's free. Another case of 'You Get What You Pay For.'
Bonniebaby Boo
Are there any others having difficulty understanding whats being said at various points. I mean, the movie gets loud enough but sounds muffled.
rahkin rah
Now July 2020. Anyone see the similarity to this and what the "mobs" are trying to do to our freedoms today?
Purplebishop RPGandBoardGamer
you have a new subscriber, thank you
James Everett
What does "filmed on location in Utah..." mean? It happened in Missouri, no?
Richard Phelps
Great movie. I watched via my android phone which produced better quality than casting to my tv. Also used earphones which enabled me to clearly hear every word. I'm not a Mormon but did appreciate seeing this and learning. There's a grave about 5 miles from my home holding Joseph's first wife. It's well maintained.
Same then as it is today, one religion persecuting another.
Doctor Shred
Not so good. DP, director and some actors are so so
stephen sheldon
personaly, I like sunny movies
D Legionnaire
Delmus Ingle
Why must the volume be so low on movie after movie yet ads be loud enough? Bye. Looked like a good movie.
MG Menace Gang
Sounds fine for me
Bryan Hauschild
I am just floored at the quality of this movie. The script, actors, cinematography, the jail, the scenery, the list goes on. congratulations to all involved. I also want to add, that it seems to me God brought these men here to suffer to save just one soul.
Jim Asher
...never mind... I won’t even try...
ValiantsFelines McCarty
Had no problem watching this on my Android phone. Volume was fine. The acting was really good and there were Parts in it that I hadn't heard of such as the hole in the wall. Most of the negative comments are because people don't like the LDS church and think Joseph Smith was a con man that's their privilege. But it is a true part of History and I always wondered who was the person who had the guts to just let them go. Since they hadn't done anything wrong they were being persecuted simply because well they were little scary moving into communities building their houses cleaning up their properties and making everything look nice and neat and trying to proselytize and basically overwhelming the citizens in the area with their I think would be a goody two shoes attitude, plus I think they had a lot of immigrants in their midst too. It happened in my small town which really freaked it out. People thought they were against the law normally and they were going to destroy things. My mom believed they might try to kidnap your kids and baptize them. Every time we went through Utah 2 go home and see our grandparents who lived in another state our car would break down in Salt Lake on Founders Day of all things. Us kids would be trapped in the hotel room not allowed to go outside till my dad can get the car fixed. My mom was terrified we would disappear into the Mormon cult. It was hilarious. Turns out we'd been going to school with a lot of them for years but didn't know it because they were too afraid to tell us. Of course that answered the question as to why they never came to any of the weekend parties during the 70s! Of course I never got to either:( My mom wouldn't let us out of her sight. However they had enough membership now in the community they were building their own Chapel. Blew everybody away. They can't afford something like that! Well they could and they did! I've been in it and it looked pretty nice even if it was 30 years later. LOL
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Clara Reyna
in the past a lot people suffer , no just ones, slave , religion , justice, liberty , and now after long time , we still hear screaming about slave ,religion , justice and liberty , with the only differences that in the past they paid the price for freedom , free religion , justice for all , today no one could support what these people went trough , but still the voices screaming , they think they are still slave , that nobody suffer only they , than a color still slave , you are slave on your own , nobody get you on chains ,and no body will , but still was no enough, what you want , breakfast on your bed , for it you have to work , and remember , your rights ends when the right of others start , grow up , was a good movie , make me think about survive , in the right way
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Hai Tran
Law and order, not in the hand of the mob!
yoshi saidit
Next movie in this series is Meadow Mountain Massacre
Terrence Cannon
I got to say this is the best New Age Western I have ever seen and I haven’t even been watching it that long
Marius Erin
Spaghetti movies are always the best In general.
Lawney Malbrough
Behind the veil of entertainment I sense BS. This is just an opinion piece.
and yet another movie you can not watch because of licencing,getthe licence first then advertise the movie!!
Bud James
Looks very delicious and healthy
Although it had potential, the movie is a drag. Regardless of the topic, its historical content and its accuracy, it's just a drag with some poor acting as well. A waste of time.
Betty Martinez
Good movie being a long haul truck driver I really enjoy western movies as a lot of us do
Neal Daniels
I'm not sure if there was an escape attempt but I do know that Joseph Smith called the Liberty Jail a Temple, a sacred place where he learned to trust more in God and find strength in Him. Though, the jail itself was unbearably cold in the winter, when they were jailed, and court didn't really have much evidence against them.
Ken Firefighter
Love your show but what the deal with the Commercials I skipped like 10 of them and I still have to watch them my wife almost wanted me to make change the channel because all the commercials maybe that’s what they’re trying to do to you now
Ronald V Ronca
A dry hay floor, dry wood walls and candle sticks, not a good combination make....so much for an intelligent production, still no chance actors will overshadow this set.
Antonio Manaserian
REMOVE ADS.. by sliding the red line ..all the way to just before end of the line..go past the last add.. again.. just before the end of the line.. then go back to the beginning just before the start of the line..hit play ads gone.. thank me later
Wendy Atwood
where is Porter Rockwell's long hair??? .... or was this event after he gave his hair to a balding women ?
Eric Cranston
A very dry movie about a historic event. Certain religious groups have never really been accepted in America, "the home of the brave, the land of the free"!!!!
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