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Hungary WWII - villages

(2018-09-01 15:01:44) 下一個

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nYY8DsCjuBY? inspired by the courage of Pinchus Rosenbaum, true story.

Jean Paul: wrote

that the opening of the film fails to reflect the reality of Hungary during the war. As an ally to Germany (and a signatory of the Tripartite treaty, Hungary developed anti-Jewish law early in the war. Whilst it's true that as the war turned against the Nazi's Hungary attempted to make separate peace with Britain and the USA, it is also true that when `the Germans occupied Hungary and began deportations to the death camps, their way was paved both by fascist elements in government and an antipathy toward Jews on the part of some Hungarians

Hungry wasn't the only country who wouldn't give up their Jewish Citizen,  Italy protected their Jewish Citizen in both the Germany had occupy those before they were sent to concentration camps   Some even move their Jewish population out in the countryside among their farmers Germany could tell a Jewish person from a farmer.   One even move it Jewish population with boats cross into Switzerland to keep them out of the hand of Nazis.?

Still to this day, (believe it or not), sad as it might seem, there is still genuine hatred and bittered sadness from a few of the so called, "Aryan Race". Last year, whilst being on a 32 day European holiday, (this particular instance/incident was sadly during part of our visit whilst in Southern Germany), and whilst patiently waiting to be booked into our beautiful hotel located in the Black forest area.

The Jewish family of 6, directly in front of us, (Noticing their passports), were, when it was their turn to show their passports and booking in paperwork, which we all had, as was initially issued by the tour company themselves, who were of Austrian/Swiss nationality. The Jewish family were suddenly told rather rudely and somewhat very dry and abruptly, to instantly stand back well away from the other guests, who were patiently trying to book in also, (about 50 or so all told about 12-15 having been processed thus far and kindly been shown/escorted to their rooms).


My family, (consisting of my good lady wife, 2 girls, both early to mid 20's, 2 boys, 16 and 19 respectively), and of course myself newly retired, hence the reason for the rather costly but never the less luxurious holiday. I was at this moment kindly instructed, having just handed over our passports, to please sign the hotel register and on doing so I very clearly overheard the manager tell the desk clerk to instruct the Jewish family that they had to book into another hotel some distance further up the road, (the other hotel was in fact, no less than three miles away and were originally being forced to walk there with obviously all their luggage as well, as no transport was made available to them, the reason being, was that there was not enough rooms for the whole tour party. I am not a rocket science expert but if there was room for my family and myself and we were actually behind the Jewish family, then surely they should have stayed and we should have been sent to the other hotel instead of them.

I had just for a split moment wondered why they were picked out, sad as it was, feeling somewhat guilty and rather than ourselves, it was when one of my daughters a very smart and beautiful university graduate and trainee Doctor just like myself), 23 years old, who kindly pointed out the completely obvious reiterating their nationality and stating very quietly the country we were presently in at that time. I could not believe this still happened after all this time surely not? However, on hearing this it instantly made my blood boil, I can tell you I was absolutely fuming. Over 40 years as an Army Doctor and working in some of the most deprived places on earth, truly witnessing many aspects of differences through either nationality, religion, tribe, faith, gender or place of residency, some of the reasons for such hatred and open violence would clearly make your toes curl, I can tell you. I believe that what happened a long time ago and that it should clearly never have actually happened at all because of one stupid little individual who could then clearly get his own way for whatever reasons, I became rather bitter towards the hotel manager and his attitude towards those people having done nothing to him at all also having never ever actually met either, I having asked him in English first, for the reason he did speak English a moment just before however, at that precise moment, he did not and stated such in German, not wishing to supply an answer so I asked him in text book German, (having been at one point an employee of the British Consulate in Berlin, during my younger days whilst being still attached to the British & Commonwealth Office, Overseas Branch, ( as former Chief Medical Adviser). The manager clearly did not know where to look presently and I immediately without hesitation plainly offered the Jewish family our designated Hotel rooms, whilst at the same time seeing my family all nodding their heads in total agreement), for that very evening, which they too, I think knew exactly what was at foot here and thanked us kindly but never the less refused our offer. Rather they opted to remove themselves stating the fact rather than staying where they are not clearly welcome. The hotel manager, who now spoke perfect English, had strongly stipulated that the Jewish family were not welcome at his hotel. I asked for our passports to be returned to us immediately. I then refused the offer of the rooms and instantly departed from the hotel as did about half the tour party when they realised what was happening and we all got into the bus that had just dropped us off some 20-30 minutes previously before the driver kindly again instantly offering to drive us all there with our baggage. The others on the tour because they had been booked in already just stayed for the night and we all met up on the same bus the very next morning to travel on wards to Austria. None of us wishing to stay for that particular day because of what had happened the prior evening at the designated hotel the tour company were utterly appalled with how the hotel manager and staff had instantly reacted and they rescheduled the remaining tour with alternate hotels for the return journey, as we were supposed to use the same hotels on the return leg in two - two and a half weeks time. I was shocked as were many of the tour families, there was certainly no requirement or need for such actions aimed at the Jewish family, none of which were old enough to have been around during the Second World War either. It clearly left a tainted taste in ones mouth to know that there is still so much unrelenting hatred still in this world today aimed at the Jewish people and especially in that country still to this very day . I could not honestly believe what I was listening to in this day and age, nor was hearing that the Jewish family were being unnecessarily victimised just because of their nationality. I had the chance to talk to this very nice and polite Jewish family, whilst on and during the tour and they were just like you and I yet the tales the mother and father was telling me would turn you to instant anger if only you correctly knew he had major reservations about Germany and Austria, whilst his family were booking this holiday and had more than once made his points clearly known but he was assured by his family and the tour operator that the trip would go ahead without any further instances, which I too know of was not entirely true either, as he had previously stated some days before, that there was in fact a supposed mix up with certain rooms that had for some reason been double booked and you can surely guess who's rooms those were, I am sure you can. We both notified the tour company once again and had our hotels once again rearranged and never returned to either Germany nor Austria on the return leg, clearly boycotting both, so both our families, as well as a good many others on the tour and directly out of support, all clearly settled for a further three nights in Amsterdam instead, before departing for the cruise ship side of the holiday to Italy from the Hook of Holland in three days time. Hopefully all this trouble was now behind us and the holiday could for once be then enjoyed, which no further instances evolved to my knowledge thankfully and a very good time was had by all. Sad that it should still exist though. Such stupidity and although there knowingly remains still within a few a thoughtless spiteful hatred that should still needlessly exist but for what valid reason is clearly beyond me today. My apologies for the long story but you see it still goes on regardless of what others say or think there are those who do not wish to forget nor live in harmony sad as it seems. I do however, completely understand though. Having witnessed much in my worldly travels over the last 50 odd years. World peace to the few, is clearly a figment of one's imagination clearly...?


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