
寧靜純我心 感得事物人 寫樸實清新. 閑書閑話養閑心,閑筆閑寫記閑人;人生無虞懂珍惜,以沫相濡字字真。
  • 博客訪問:

Some die out for some grow up and in ...

(2018-04-27 11:53:56) 下一個
Some die out, some grow up and in ... What?

George Patton: "Old soldiers never die, but fade away...

"Old soldiers never die" is an English language catchphrase, with the full version being "Old soldiers never die, they simply fade away". It is made from a stanza from the soldiers' folklore song Old Soldiers Never Die: Old soldiers never die,: Never die, never die,: Old soldiers never die,: They simply fade away.

I guess if you love writing, post online, it's like that, Your blog posts never die; they just fade away - Some die out for some grow up and in ...If you will, you can trace down that blood flow through from spirit, phrase, word ...I copy other's posts and paste below my thought, simply giving other's thanks and credits - I'm not along - Never had not got any thought without borrowing from others, including you, the reader of this post.
我猜如果你喜歡寫作,在網上發布,就是這樣,你的博客帖子永遠不會死; 他們隻是消失 - 有些人因為長大而死亡,如果你願意的話,你可以追蹤從精神,詞組,詞匯中流過的血液......來龍去脈,世間少有獨自唯一的東西, 你原創其實常是別人給啟發, 我常轉貼, 目的記錄自己思所來龍去脈, 給別人感謝! ......我複製他人的帖子並粘貼在我的想法下麵,簡單地給予 其他人的感謝和信貸 - 我不是 - 沒有借鑒別人,包括你,這篇文章的讀者,從來沒有想過。

****************************** Ref.

Douglas MacArthur Tribute - Old Soldiers Never Die (1951), Herb ...

Jun 29, 2009 - Uploaded by bsgs98
"Old Soldiers Never Die" (They Just Fade Away) ... Vocal by Herb Jeffries with Orchestra and Chorus under ...

Douglas MacArthur's Farewell Speech to Congress : 'Old soldiers ...

The world has turned over many times since I took the oath on the plain at West Point, and the hopes and dreams have long since vanished, but I still remember the refrain of one of the most popular barracks ballads of that day which proclaimed most proudly that old soldiers never die; they just fade away. And like the old ...

I guess if you love writing, post online, it's like that, Your blog posts never die; they just fade away - Some die out for some grow up and in ...If you will, you can trace down that blood flow through from spirit, phrase, word ...


科學網—To 海歸or not to海歸– that is the question - 何毓琦的博文

blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-1565-774532.html Translate this page
Mar 9, 2014 - As teacher Wang said, my parents are here and the university position request the degree. So that is why I want study abroad. This is my discouring situation. 博主回複(2014-3-10 17:48):OK. you have your valid reasons and my article covered your case. [8]王曉明 2014-3-10 11:17: The retirement benefit in ...

[轉載]Stress of ChineseAmerican High School Students/parents-博客 ...

At the forum, she presented a slide show celebrating the academic trajectories of respected Chinese-Americans: the fashion designer Vera Wang went to Sarah Lawrence College; Andrew Cherng, the founder of the fast-food chain Panda Express, went to Baker University in Kansas; the best-selling author Amy Tan, San ...

科學網—Bill Gates at Harvard Before there was Microsoft - 何毓琦的 ...

wap.sciencenet.cn/blog-1565-726471.html Translate this page
[1]LongLeeLu 2013-9-29 02:17: Hilarious, genius' action! Can you write about our fellow Chinese An Wang at Harvard? Wang Laboratory created those computers used the US Army! "In high school, Gates had formed the Lakeside Programming Group, which made money writing computer code for companies in the Pacific ...

Bill Gates at Harvard Before there was Microsoft

已有 6316 次閱讀 2013-9-20 19:42 |個人分類:生活點滴|係統分類:海外觀察|關鍵詞:Microsoft| Microsoft

 (For new reader and those who request 好友請求, please read my 公告欄 first).


Bill Gates at Harvard Before there was Microsoft http://news.harvard.edu/gazette/story/2013/09/dawn-of-a-revolution/?utm_source=SilverpopMailing&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=09.20.daily%2520%281%29 by the noted biographer of Steve Jobs and Albert Einstein

Fascinating reading for the history of science.



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1 李天成

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[1]LongLeeLu  2013-9-29 02:17
Hilarious, genius' action! Can you write about our fellow Chinese An Wang at Harvard? Wang Laboratory created those computers used the US Army!
"In high school, Gates had formed the Lakeside Programming Group, which made money writing computer code for companies in the Pacific Northwest. As a senior, he applied only to three colleges — Harvard, Yale, and Princeton — and he took different approaches to each. “I was born to apply for college,” he said, fully aware of his ability to ace meritocratic processes. For Yale he cast himself as an aspiring political type and emphasized the month he had spent in Washington as a congressional page. For Princeton, he focused only on his desire to be a computer engineer. And for Harvard, he said his passion was math. He had also considered MIT, but at the last moment blew off the interview to play pinball. He was accepted to all three, and chose Harvard. “There are going to be some guys at Harvard who are smarter than you,” Allen warned him. Gates replied, “ ‘No way! No way!’ ”
博主回複(2013-9-29 14:13)Wang was before my time.


隴東糧倉 - 文學城博客

https://blog.wenxuecity.com/myblog/57970/201712/12030.html Translate this page
Dec 13, 2017 - LongLeeLu 2017-4-26 09:56 栽一片唐柳宋楊 鋪一地離離原上草 掛一簾清風明月" - 靈氣頓時升起!-何等豪氣!何等靈氣! 我的心為之震撼!有李清照婉約清麗豪情誌氣,音樂之聲! 我的祖上是甘肅隴西郡-你知道那地方嗎?我祖上老家甘肅隴西的李家村,你可去過?我從未去過。 LongLeeLu 2017-9-29 13:35


blog.wenxuecity.com/myblog/57970/201606/1035283.html Translate this page
Jun 30, 2016 - Notebook: Ed Wilson, LAT · Notebook: Yang Zhen-Ning, God boson, NYT · 【讀書筆記】Sir Ka-shing Li (LongLeeLu) · 海魂衫: 五分勇猛,三分忠厚,二分狡猾- 編個籠子 · 【讀書筆記】Cold Warrior for God (ZT, WZ) · 【讀書筆記】[蘇慕遮] [釆桑子] 鷓鴣天, 清平樂(ZT) · 詩湧霞起隴西地(ZT) · 以軍禮安葬王孟傑Peter Wang ...


blog.wenxuecity.com › 新聞 › 焦點新聞 Translate this page
Jun 23, 2015 - 本帖最後由LongLeeLu 於2015-6-23 14:47 編輯. Slavery's Long Shadow by Paul Krugman JUNE 22, 2015. America is a much less racist nation than it used to be, and I'm not just talking about the still remarkable fact that an African-American occupies the White House. The raw institutional racism that ...


blog.wenxuecity.com/myblog/57970/201512/408068.html Translate this page
本帖最後由LongLeeLu 於2014-8-24 11:07 編輯. That sounds - testament in our life: 《河馬教授》世界最不想讓人知道的事文◎張文亮 現在,已經很少人提到「立約」。其實,許多的規定,以約為基礎。約的核心價值,在表明永遠之約的存在。例如結婚是一個約,不單是夫妻感情的約定,法律的約定,成立家庭的約定,而是一個見證,見證 ...

stay to truth, but HOW? - 文學城博客

blog.wenxuecity.com/myblog/57970/201707/19215.html Translate this page
永久的山河,流水的人。真實的文字如山河。曆史,是存在,曾經的存在,正在發生的存在。而存在是合理的,合理在,必然含有邏輯- 邏輯可以有多種,但是真實的曆史隻有一個- 真書直筆醒山河。。蔡元培回憶錄曾述: “民國元年我在教育部時,請範君靜生(範源濂)相助,我偏於理想,而範君注重實際,以他所長,補我之短。” You need ...

科學網—[轉載]轉基因玉米和腫瘤-人類自己成了科學實驗的“小白鼠 ...
References Lu, Y. et al. Science advance online publication doi:10.1126/science.1187881 (2010). Wang, S., Just, D. & Pinstrup-Anderson, P. Int. J. Biotechnol. 10, 113-120 (2008). | Article Comments If you find something abusive or inappropriate or which does not otherwise comply with our Terms or Community Guidelines, ...

全部作者的精選博文 - 88必發手機在線娛樂_88必發手機版>>>【唯一 ...

https://www.baiwangfz.com/bbs_/blog-2649160-1020260.html Translate this page
Wang YX, Ng CK. Theimpact of quantitative imaging in medicine and surgery: Charting our course forthe future. Quant Imaging Med Surg.2011;1:1-3. 29. McGowan JC. On the use of quantitative MR imaging. Am J Neuroradiol. 2001;22:1451–2.30. Wáng YX. Physical scientists research biomedicine: a callfor caution. Chin J ...

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