
寧靜純我心 感得事物人 寫樸實清新. 閑書閑話養閑心,閑筆閑寫記閑人;人生無虞懂珍惜,以沫相濡字字真。
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(2017-05-25 10:10:45) 下一個
青年人好像八九點鍾的太陽: Hold your horses !

已有 36 次閱讀 2017-5-25 08:52 |個人分類:英語寫作(群組群主)|係統分類:觀點評述    推薦到群組

(1) It's never equal justice under law. That's why so intriguing to claim such uncharted water - idealism boils your blood; never cynical can do just that. (2) You pay what you got. (3) You go by your timeline.


Above points came to my mind when I scanned the headlines this morning. Why? What's my take?


(1)(3), Trump is 70 years old; Obama, 55; Macron, 39. That's a saying in countryside: 寧可睇小白毛公, 勿睇小流鼻蟲寧可。幹不過你, 我耗死你。why?


新華網                (2002-04-22 12:49:07)







-- 由卡瑪攝製的電影八九點鍾太陽》的片名出自一句廣為流傳的毛澤東講話  八九點鍾太陽》(Morning Sun)九月二十四日在華盛頓上映時,我去看了。



What else? Ahh, here is another coming to mind, popping up ...


魯迅先生病得很久了,間歇地發著熱,但熱度並不甚高。一年以來, .... 他來信說:“這事我們得趕快做否則,要來不及做,或輪不到我們做。”




My take? 70-year-old Trump feels the pressure of his time - so he's ambitious and no patience, much far ahead of where all the others, unlike Obama, Macron


(2)  (2) You pay what you got. What does that mean? Trump said: "23 countries in the EU didn't pay the share of funding - it's not fair to Americans." Yes, the United Nations is a tool for the USA as it paid the entire budget when it started with Truman, then 2/3, now 1/5 of its money. Bill Gates paid that for the USA as the USA didn't pay a couple of years ago. So, your point?


Pay to play - sounds no idealism, but it's bloody truth. Can you take it?


Take home message: Hold your horses - when you pass your judgment to "流鼻蟲" or bounce back right to your face!


Same thing is true to youth: You have no patience with seniors? You'll get your turn! So?


Be humble. Nature takes its turn, running its course. There is nothing you can do about it.


~~ ~~

"Hold your horses", sometimes said as "Hold the horses", is a common idiom to mean "hold on" or wait. The phrase is historically related to horse riding, or driving a horse-drawn vehicle.

Meaning. Hold on; be patient.

Another way of saying "slow down" or "stop."  Usually used when someone is being hasty about something and a wiser person says "Hold your horses!" to make them stop and think.  Encourages someone to have caution.

Based on the times when people used wagons or carriages, and when they needed to keep them under control they would need to literally hold the horses back from running.
"Hold your horses," said Joe, "you don't know when the movie even starts."
by Athene Airheart March 30, 2004


川普握手這次輸給馬克宏:手都發白了 兩度想逃(組圖)

文章來源: - 新聞取自各大新聞媒體,新聞內容並不代表本網立場!
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