另外一方麵來說呢,他們中的很多人其實也是被洗腦了的,雖然在行動上與信仰上格格不入,但是卻可以自欺欺人的信以為真。就象前麵這個例子的人一樣,他口口聲聲說家庭比事業重要,但是他的一生中是家庭犧牲了很多為了他的事業。現在到了很關鍵的時候,因為身體和年齡的原因,二者不能象原來一樣,其中之一必須要做更大的犧牲。他的實際行動還是選擇的事業,但是他卻可以毫無打頓的說他的價值觀是家庭其他人在前,自己的事業在後。我真懷疑他被洗腦了,自己蒙上眼睛說瞎話都不臉紅。“I am who I am" 這也是他引以為自豪的話,一個被洗腦的人會是他自己嗎?
"I am who I am." - Sounds like what God said (i.e., are you god)? "My family is very important to me." - Everybody says so (you aren't so special). "I want to help people." - Sure everyone has good wishes but help in what way (, your way)? How do you know your way is the way of others (cultural difference)?
Individualism is oxymoron as all cultures are collective. Culture is defined as collective behaviors guided by collective values or religious indoctrination.