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American Women in WW2 - U.S. Army Girls - It\'s Your War Too

(2015-10-11 15:27:13) 下一個

Hope all humankind remembers those terrified days of war, like WWII - educate your children love the world peace.

American Women in WW2 - U.S. Army Girls - It's Your War Too (1944) Full Length Educational Film


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The beautiful music for my intro was created by MusicalBasics. Listen to his music here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BC8RK...

Documentary short about the US Army Women's Army Corps - WAC - and their role in winning the war. Includes animation from the Walt Disney Studios.

World War II involved global conflict on an unprecedented scale; the absolute urgency of mobilizing the entire population made the expansion of the role of women inevitable. The hard skilled labor of women was symbolized in the United States by the concept of Rosie the Riveter, a woman factory laborer performing what was previously considered man's work.

With this expanded horizon of opportunity and confidence, and with the extended skill base that many women could now give to paid and voluntary employment, women's roles in World War II were even more extensive than in the First World War. By 1945, more than 2.2 million women were working in the war industries, building ships, aircraft, vehicles, and weaponry. Women also worked in factories, munitions plants and farms, and also drove trucks, provided logistic support for soldiers and entered professional areas of work that were previously the preserve of men. In the Allied countries thousands of women enlisted as nurses serving on the front lines. Thousands of others joined defensive militias at home and there was a great increase in the number of women serving in the military itself, particularly in the Red Army (USSR).

In the World War Two era, approximately 400,000 U.S. women served with the armed forces and more than 460 — some sources say the figure is closer to 543 — lost their lives as a result of the war, including 16 from enemy fire. Women became officially recognized as a permanent part of the armed forces with the passing of the Women's Armed Services Integration Act of 1948.

Several hundred thousand women served in combat roles, especially in anti-aircraft units. The U.S. decided not to use women in combat because public opinion would not tolerate it.

Many women served in the resistances of France, Italy, and Poland, and in the British SOE which aided these. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Women...

The Women's Army Corps (WAC) was the women's branch of the United States Army. It was created as an auxiliaryunit, the Women's Army Auxiliary Corps (WAAC) on 15 May 1942 and converted to full status as the WAC in 1943.

It's Your War Too (1944)

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My mother was in the Canadian Air Force working on aircraft's during the war. She lost two bothers in Germany and Sicily. Sad time for my family back then... Lest We Forget.
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Thank you and your family for your sacrifice. I'm sorry for your loss. Much respect from your neighbors down south. P.S. By chance, that thumbnail doesn't happen to be an accurate portrayal of your mother does it? :P If it does, I'd like a poster.
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+Widg3t's Widgets LOL...Thanks. Maybe if the US government would have acted when Canada did (Sept. 1939 instead the US waited till Dec. 1941 when Japan attacked PH) the war might have ended much sooner. Looking back at WW1 when the US finally became involved (1917...Canada's involvement was in 1914), the war had ended a year later, so maybe the losses wouldn't have been so bad in WW2. We will never know...it's one of those what if's. US timeline for WW 2 http://www.secondworldwarhistory.com/united-states-ww2-events-timeline.asp
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I wish the hair fashion of the 40` girls would come back.
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We need women of America again, to fight Islam.
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+wazza33racer and the human race needs you to take a dive before someone agrees with your shit
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As much as the US did contribute to WW2, the truth is it was the Soviets who defeated the Nazis. Unfortunately US movie makers don't like that story line.
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they didn't do it by themselves,they weren't at Normandy, and they were low on rifles and ammo.
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Prostacki propagandowy kit.
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it would be a good documentary if it had any sound
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These are our Grandmothers and Great Grandmothers who back then in their late teens and 20s wanted to serve our great nation to insure that this country won that war.
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It is interesting to see what was socially and militarily acceptable back then as compared to what things are like today. This was a HUGE step for gender equality, but much progress has been made since as well. Thank you for posting!
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A mixture of ludicrous and significant. Ludicrous in having to reassure women that they could still wear lipstick and rouge and that they wouldn't be forced to wear the "same boring hairstyle" - but significant in pushing women's rights forward in one big, quick step. And as silly as it might've sounded, it really was necessary at the time to play up that WACs could still be "feminine" in appearance, and that they would have recreational activities too. Now women are doing way more than this in the military, and nobody has to gently tell them not to be scared of the entire experience.
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i hate the constant distracting advertising banners being run across the bottom of this. I refuse to watch tv networks that do it, and i won't tolerate it here. I won't be a subscriber.
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They spelled Tokyo wrong lol or that just how they spelled back then
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Recon3 Ranger75 Shared on Google+ ¢erdot; 6 months ago
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Now I had heard the WACS recruited Old Maids for the war but mommy isn't one of them I've known her all these years.
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that sounds like the who, the kids are alright.
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De stakkers, ze wisten niet beter!
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they have dresses? shouldn't they have some military pants to really show power than the fragile image of a dress?
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well waka waka mother fucker
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inspectors of Army meat! Hey-OOOOOOO!
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Love the part where the women sit down in the places of men, so the men can go off and die. Gotta love male disposability.
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They trained in Des Moines. How glamorous.
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