
寧靜純我心 感得事物人 寫樸實清新. 閑書閑話養閑心,閑筆閑寫記閑人;人生無虞懂珍惜,以沫相濡字字真。
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Idle speed control: Rule

(2015-07-29 14:46:33) 下一個
2 hours per day for real work, let the rest be idle

已有 4 次閱讀 2015-7-29 13:43 |個人分類:Life style|係統分類:生活其它    推薦到群組

Years ago, I heard a famous talked about his rule of thumb, getting 2 hours of quality time to do creative work, the rest of day for idle - let you mind unloaded. You spend 20% to accomplish 80%, for the rest 20% takes 80% of your energy - forget about it, move on with inperfct.

Ha? What? : -(          I don't know what they said.

I thought it's impossible to do just 2 hours a day. How can you do that? Now, I'm reading what another famous said similar stuff, below.


Seven Life Lessons                            

已有 3506 次閱讀2007-8-10 07:37|個人分類:生活點滴|係統分類:生活其它    推薦到群組


(For new reader and those who request 好友請求, please read my 公告欄 first).

Seven life lessons I have learned in 70+ years (Note added Nov. 7, 2011. Thanks to blogger 鮑得海
who provided excellent Chinese translation for the first six lessons

1.Happiness is a positive derivative
【樂觀是向上的! What I mean is that if your life is constantly imporving, you cannot help but be happy.

2.The only investment idea you need if you are not a professional "Save, Buy,
Diversify, and Hold"; The worst enemy of investment – your emotion and greed"

3.The world is full of people as smart as you are. Thus if you want to stand out
- write and speak well.  For ideas you only need one Jesus, but it take billions of missionaries to spread the word


4.The world is full of people as smart as you are. However many are self-centered
on things interesting to them. Thus if you want to stand out, be people-oriented.
Put yourself in others' shoes.

5.Remember the 80-20 rule. Among other things if your life is 80% perfect, you
need the other 20% to keep you in perspective.

6.No one promised you a rose garden. The world does not owe you a living

7.     There is a difference being a nice guy and being a doormat. The former is based on
your own initiative while the latter is something others do to you. (note to Chinese readers:
"Being someone's doormat" means others constantly wipe their dirt on you. You are
always being humiliated)

Unfortunately, I don't always remember to practice these
lessons 100 per cent of the time.


本文引用地址:http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-1565-5844.html  此文來自科學網何毓琦博客,轉載請注明出處。
上一篇:On ideas, writing, and presentation
下一篇:Hedge funds and the Current US Wall Street Money Crisis

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發表評論                        評論 (6 個評論)
??? [6]朱治偉  2012-4-25 01:50keep them in mind  and put them into ptactice!??? [5]王春豔  2011-12-28 12:16wise man!博主回複(2011-12-28 13:41)These took me seventy+ years and I am still learning.IP: 129.111.68.*  ??? [4][遊客]Yidong  2007-9-1 09:15I am taking notes here. Wonderful lessons. Thanks. IP: 58.218.78.*  ??? [3][遊客]匿名  2007-8-23 23:26灌水:26個字母俺個個認識,但是一組合起來就不明白了,數學不好啊IP: 123.191.173.*  ??? [2][遊客]路人  2007-8-17 17:58最近有一句話是“衝動是魔鬼”,和您的第二條不謀而合:)IP: 124.16.128.*  ??? [1][遊客]laoyu  2007-8-15 02:35it is difficult to practice these items although they are perfect.




http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-847277-909255.html  此文來自科學網李勝文博客,轉載請注明出處。  
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