
ZT: 現金流是一個盈利指標...by jy101

(2012-03-23 15:26:47) 下一個


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本貼內容已被 [jy101] 在 2012-03-23 11:13:55 編輯過。如有問題,請報告版主或論壇管理刪除.

as a value RE investor, I think positive cash flow is the most important key.

there really isn't a good or bad time to buy real estate, the only thing it matter is, what is your entry point and what is your exit strategy.

in an up trend market, I only make a move when there is a 30-40% spread, in a down trend market, I need to see at least 50+% discount.

the 3 most frequently used ratio are, debt coverage, CAP rate, and cash on cash.

1. when I look at a property, I always use zero down, NOI/(interest to bank + interest to me)>=1.1

2. CAP, of course, I need to see 10% CAP.

3. CASH on CASH, 15% or more.

NPV, IRR, easy to do on paper, but in reality, hardly can be followed. RE as a small business, has too many unforeseen variables, any unexpected repair can wipe out the whole cash reserve.

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