http://www.flickr.com/photos/62733701@N08/52代表每一個星期上一張照片。剛開始學,很多知識要惡補,先從構圖和內容入手,技術方麵慢慢來。 #1 Daisy: 今天中午到我們剛購買的糖耗子看別人刷好的牆,在遊泳池拍照的時候,扒地上拍了這張到處都能看到的野花,想起了我的好友Daisy。把這第一張照片送給我遠方的好友-美麗善良的Daisy,她象這朵花一樣,平凡普通,卻美麗動人。

#2: Visit Zion National Park in Spring break

Dianna did edit for me. Wow, much nicer, especially the sky.

#3: Violin Recital in May:
I did a little edit to crop and B&W the picture, the focus is not good enough.
I like that moment when the feeling coming to my heart. This recital is the best performance since son started to play violin.

#4: petal and leave
I am learning aperture by AV mode.
Daughter picked this flower in our garden and threw away on the table. Yes, it makes my picture. I tried black background which highlight the brightness of flower. The focus is so cute, I see the layers of petal.