

(2011-10-29 08:28:05) 下一個

31. fascist 法西斯主義者

  • fascist groups
  • a fascist dictator/regime
  • fascist instruments of state power

32. ubiquitous: seeming to be in all places 到處存在的; 普遍存在的

  • ubiquitous messaging
  • under pressure from the ubiquitous spread of English

33. camp (opinion) : a group of people who share an opinion, especially a political one 觀點

  • two extreme camps of opinions
  • the opposing camp
  • the pro-abortion camp
  • two distinct camps

34. no matter how samll, somehow deserve whatever happens to them

35. circumscribe 周圍畫線, 限製

  • be circumscribed to

36. live up to something: fulfill someone’s expectations; achieve a standard of a predetermined level (i.e. criterion set by one’s own expectations or another person’s example) 達到期望值, 達到預期的理想位置

  • live up to expectation
  • live up to promise
  • live up to one’s own high stantards
  • live up to one’s commitment
  • lived up to his/her parents’ ideals
  • The concert was brilliant – it lived up to all our expectations.

37. the populace : the ordinary people who live in a particular country or place 平民, 人口, 大眾

38. opt 選擇

  • opt out: to choose not to be part of an activity or to stop being involved in it

39. essential 必要的, 本質的, 重要的

  • be essential to
  • Water is essential for/to living things.
  • His support will be essential if the project is to succeed.

40. quid pro quo: one thing in exchange for another, something in return for something else;

“something for something” 賠償; 報複

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