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麵對突發事件,苦主蔣中正蔣總統還是蠻鎮定的,並未派任何手下偏將(比如文傳會的陳會長什麽的)出來當眾弄“打飛機”來娛眾。要知道,“偉大領袖”(“偉大領袖”是不是比“人民領袖”更博士一些?)太祖曾經尊尊教導過“外交上,最不可做的事情是空洞的威脅與無果的承諾。一而再、再而三的空洞與無果,自己就被當三歲孩子對待了。”(也許不是太祖說的,上了年歲,記憶常跳躍,^_^。) 與太祖常年過招,蔣總統也英雄所見,隻按“可能性”還手。
Taipei Assembly Declares Disapproval of Nixon Trip
Taipei, Taiwan, Feb22(是說1972年的事兒)Reuters----The Assembly of Nationalist China declared its disapproval today as President Nixon began his visit to Peking.
President Nixon’s talk with the enemy of the Chinese Nationalists, the assembly declared, would “deeply and greatly hurt the interests of the Republic of China.”
The statement was in a resolution adopted unanimously by 1,300 Assemblymen attending the session of the assembly.
The Nixon trip, it said, “will aggravate the suffering of the Chinese people on the mainland instead of indicating American friendship.”
Furthermore, it added, the trip will cost the United States the trust of non-Communist countries, rather than benefit world peace.
Taipei Assembly Declares Disapproval of Nixon Trip
Taipei, Taiwan, Feb22(是說1972年的事兒)Reuters----The Assembly of Nationalist China declared its disapproval today as President Nixon began his visit to Peking.
President Nixon’s talk with the enemy of the Chinese Nationalists, the assembly declared, would “deeply and greatly hurt the interests of the Republic of China.”
The statement was in a resolution adopted unanimously by 1,300 Assemblymen attending the session of the assembly.
The Nixon trip, it said, “will aggravate the suffering of the Chinese people on the mainland instead of indicating American friendship.”
Furthermore, it added, the trip will cost the United States the trust of non-Communist countries, rather than benefit world peace.
Issue of Representation
The assembly urged President Nixon to uphold justice and remain vigilant against Peking so that he would not commit a major blunder.
While taking note of President Nixon’s assurance of maintaining diplomatic ties with Nationalist China and of abiding by the American defense commitments to Taiwan, the resolution said:
“The Peking regime has no right to represent the Chinese people and is not in a position to make commitments or agreement involving the interests of the Chinese nation.”
“Since Mr. Nixon is going to negotiate with an illegal entity, the Government and people of the Republic of China will consider null and void any agreement that may emerge from his talks with Peking leadership.”
“The Republic of China will never change it national policy of regaining the Chinese mainland and will under no circumstances negotiate or reach a compromise with the Chinese Communists at any time.”
News of President Nixon’s arrival in China was given a prominent position in all the Taipei afternoon newspapers today. His arrival is Peking was mentioned briefly by Taiwan’s three television networks.
One television station said in its noon newscast that the President was greeted “coolly” by Premier Chou En-lai and other Communist officials at the airport.