從最近弗吉尼亞(V)、得克薩斯(T)和賓夕法尼亞(P)三州選舉的exit polls的結果看,亞裔美國人更多自認為民主黨人,支持選區內民主黨候選人,支持提名Biden,主張更嚴格控槍,並且支持對Trump的彈劾調查。
民主黨 共和黨 投民主黨 投共和黨 Biden Trump Yang 更嚴控槍 彈劾調查支持/反對
V: 51% 10% 80% 16% 26% 13% 8% 91% 64%/17%
T: 33% 30% 36% 35% 15% 38% 9% 82% 41%/41%
P: 65% 6% 24% 10% 14% 93% 68%/7%
AALDEF exit poll results by state:
Virginia: Party Affiliation Democrat: 51%, Republican: 10%, Not Enrolled: 38%, Other Party: 2
Vote for House of Delegates:
Democratic Candidate: 80%, Republican Candidate: 16%, Other: 1%, Did Not Vote: 3%
Vote for State Senate:
Democratic Candidate: 81%, Republican Candidate: 15%, Did Not Vote: 4%
Vote for President if Election Were Today:
Joe Biden: 26%, Elizabeth Warren: 20%, Bernie Sanders: 15%, Donald Trump: 13%, Andrew Yang: 8%, Other Democrat: 7%, Other Party/Independent: 6%, Pete Buttigieg: 4%, Other Republican: 3%, Kamala Harris: 3%, Cory Booker: 0.4%, Beto O’Rourke: 0.4%
In general, do you support stricter gun control laws?
Strongly Support: 71%, Support: 20%, Don’t Know: 3%, Oppose: 3%, Strongly Oppose: 3%
Do you believe the U.S. House of Representatives should proceed with an impeachment inquiry of President Trump?
Yes: 64%, No: 17%, Don’t Know: 19%
Do you support legislation that would get Virginia to 100% renewable energy by 2050?
Yes: 82%, No: 4%, Don’t Know: 13%
Houston, Texas: Party Affiliation
Democrat: 33%, Republican: 30%, Not Enrolled: 36%, Other Party: 2%
Vote for Mayor:
Sylvester Turner: 36%, Tony Buzbee: 35%, Bill King: 15%, Other Candidate: 10%, Sue Lovell: 2%, Dwight Boykins: 1%
Vote for President if Election Were Today:
Donald Trump: 38%, Joe Biden: 15%, Elizabeth Warren: 12%, Andrew Yang: 9%, Other Republican: 6%, Bernie Sanders: 4%, Pete Buttigieg: 4%, Beto O’Rourke: 4%, Kamala Harris: 2%, Other Democrat: 2%, Other Party/Independent: 2%, Cory Booker: 1%,
In general, do you support stricter gun control laws?
Strongly Support: 58%, Support: 24%, Don’t Know: 7%, Oppose: 5%, Strongly Oppose: 6%
Do you believe the U.S. House of Representatives should proceed with an impeachment inquiry of President Trump?
Yes: 41%, No: 41%, Don’t Know: 18%
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Party Affiliation
Democrat: 65%, Republican: 6%, Not Enrolled: 27%, Other Party: 2%
Vote for Mayor:
James Kenney: 74%, Billy Ciancaglini: 3%, Other Candidate: 11%, Did Not Vote: 11%
Vote for City Council at-large:
David Oh: 22%, Helen Gym: 18%, Allan Domb: 16%, Isaiah Thomas: 12%, Derek Green: 11%, Katherine Richardson: 10%, Other Candidate: 4%, Al Taubenberger: 2%, Daniel Tinney: 2%, Bill Heeney: 1%, Matt Wolfe: 1%
Vote for President if Election Were Today:
Joe Biden: 24%, Elizabeth Warren: 19%, Andrew Yang: 14%, Bernie Sanders: 12%, Pete Buttigieg: 10%, Donald Trump: 10%, Other Republican: 5%, Kamala Harris: 3%, Other Democrat: 2%, Other Party/Independent: 2%, Cory Booker: 0%, Beto O’Rourke: 0%
In general, do you support stricter gun control laws?
Strongly Support: 80%, Support: 13%, Don’t Know: 4%, Oppose: 1%, Strongly Oppose: 1%
Do you believe the U.S. House of Representatives should proceed with an impeachment inquiry of President Trump?
Yes: 68%, No: 7%, Don’t Know: 25%