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近來老公總愛哼“Blue Eyes Crying In The Rain”這首歌。前兩天散步時他又哼起,我問:你怎麽喜歡上這首歌?他答:不知道,想到吉就想哼這首歌,也許以後真的就隻能到天堂再見他的藍眼睛了(見賴活不如好死,不是胡言亂語 )。聽了心裏一酸,不再言語。
放下電話,深深地吸口氣。老天,給了我們這麽多好朋友,為什麽要急急地招走? 也許,這就是命運?
還沒想好下周末去魁北克給吉做什麽,但有一點是想好的: 不管是不是最後一麵,我倆會好好享受和吉在一起的每一分鍾。
Blue Eyes Crying In The Rain
In the twilight glow I see them
Blue eyes cryin' in the rain
When we kissed goodbye and parted
I knew we'd never meet again
Love is like a dyin' ember
Only memories remain
Through the ages I'll remember
Blue eyes cryin' in the rain
Some day when we meet up yonder
We'll stroll hand in hand again
In a land that knows no partin'
Blue eyes cryin' in the rain
Now my hair has turned to silver
All my life I've loved in vain
I can see her star in heaven
Blue eyes crying in the rain