
True love

(2011-09-11 23:08:02) 下一個
I was asked once if there was true love in the world. My anwer was yes. Then, I was asked how I would know if it was my true love. My answer was "you know when it comes".

Maybe it should be defined as passion which, according to some scientists, is linked to certain chemicals in the body and would only last for 4 months. True love could make a person stupid, losing control, inpulsive and emotional. It is totaly sweet, exciting and inspiring.  You would smile thinking about him and feel happy just looking at him. Everything he does he does it better than everyone else. You would want to spend all your living moments with him. You are glued to him. You would not be able to keep your hands off him.  You want to touch him, hug him, and make love with him. Yes, he is your god and you are his slave. Nothing else is more rewarding when he looks into your eyes and says you are his love. A kiss from him is the best gift you ever received. Tears come to your eyes when he sends you to the peak and you feel you can die at that moment.  Your skin is smoother, your step lighter, your eyes brighter when you are in love.  You can not hide it. You want to sing. All love songs, happy or sad, were written for your relationship with him.   You were hit by love like catching a cold and you can not control it. All those cliches are true. Love was recorded very acurately in literature in all details in every language.  

It would be so sad if one never felt the power of love in his or her life.  We may not marry for love or the right partners and we can still have good marriages. However, I would say you should not marry until you experience at least once hitting by the true passion. Only after you experienced it, then you can make a smart/not so smart decision whether it is worth to pursue your true love or pursue other more material things in marriage.

Maybe the true love always comes and goes. We may fall in love to wrong people, at wrong places and time or never get return from our passions. At least I can say for sure at my death bed that I once lived and loved.
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