天然氣過去兩天漲,俺路透社的說法是EIA最新的預測天然氣將在4月份減產0.45BCF/Day。 這根本無濟於事!俺說過天然氣要減產至70BCF/Day以下才會達到供需平衡。目前天然氣的日產還在72.5-73.5BCF之間,比過去都還高!天然氣的漲勢是否被原油價格反彈帶動,俺覺得是有一點。然而天然氣的基本麵與原油的基本麵不同,美國的原油在過去四周已經看到原油減產和繼續減產,而天然氣在上周四的報告才看到稍微減產,之前是連續幾周增產。 還有天然氣最大的消耗量是寒冷的冬季,而在可預測的未來幾周,看到的氣象預報是非常利空的溫暖。再供過於求嚴重的情況之下,天然氣價格至少到三月底,四月初是利空。也許到了五月底,六月初,如果天然氣產量可以繼續減少的話,有可能會達到一個平衡的供需量。(4/1到10/31日是天然氣庫存注入的時期,以備冬季的消耗)。
Date GLD Holding of Gold in Tonnes
4-Feb-16 693.62
5-Feb-16 698.46
8-Feb-16 703.52
9-Feb-16 702.03
10-Feb-16 702.03
11-Feb-16 716.01
12-Feb-16 710.95
16-Feb-16 710.95
17-Feb-16 710.95
18-Feb-16 713.63
19-Feb-16 732.96
22-Feb-16 752.29
23-Feb-16 752.29
24-Feb-16 760.32
25-Feb-16 760.32
26-Feb-16 762.4
29-Feb-16 777.27
1-Mar-16 786.2
2-Mar-16 788.57
3-Mar-16 793.33
4-Mar-16 793.33
7-Mar-16 793.12
回複 'pepper_salt' 的評論 : 對於大部分的新手,現在最好觀望。因為原油在建立新的波動區間。你操作得很不錯,可以試買入UWTI在2.2-2.26之間,停損在2.17元。俺估計今明兩天的EIA報告都會是利多。上周三報告進口8.3M, 本周不會那麽多了。還有煉油廠使用率恢複上升的趨勢,加上應該繼續看到原油減產,總日產量有可能在這兩周內跌至9M桶以下,所以會是利多!
回複 '-秋影-' 的評論 : 黃金的基本麵是要跌回1160元附近,考慮到過去45天,近百億美元的資金湧入炒作黃金,若是金價開始下跌,會造成超跌。所以未來跌破1100元是可能的。除非有新資金繼續湧入黃金ETF,繼續購買炒高,否則黃金很難繼續再漲。
多謝老師耐心指導!有道理,我一顆紅心,兩手準備 :)
回複 '雅歌1' 的評論 :
Total gold in trust
Tonnes 790.74 Updated every week day
回複 '碧空淨' 的評論 : 我覺得是上來20%後會調整。調整完畢要麽繼續往上,要麽反向。
American Petroleum Institute (API) crude oil inventory data result
?Oil inventory build of 4.4 million barrels for the week
?Cushing build 692,000 barrles
?Gasoline +2.124 mln barrels
?Distillate -0.128 mln barrels
非常同意, 特別是2x, 3x 的ETF. 極度影響日常的精神狀態和心情. 時間長了真不行.
The U.S. Energy Information Administration on Tuesday lowered its 2016 and 2017 estimates for U.S. crude-oil production and forecasts for West Texas Intermediate crude prices. It forecasts average U.S. crude output of 8.67 million barrels a day for 2016, down from a prior estimate of 8.69 million. For 2017, it sees output of 8.19 million barrels a day, down from a previous forecast of 8.46 million. WTI prices are seen at $34.04 a barrel this year, down from a prior estimate of $37.59, the EIA said. For 2017, it expects to see $40.09 a barrel, down from a prior forecast of $50.
回複 'pepper_salt' 的評論 : 現在可以乘高賣出一小部分。今天和明天很關鍵:
STEO對天然氣估計的庫存量在3/31日時達到2288BCF, 超過年平均的庫存量54%,比俺的估計還多,是非常利空!加上本周二,三,四日,東部地區比正常高出20度以上,還有些地區可能破紀錄同期高溫。有DGAZ的可以安心拿著。沒有的,可以試著少量買進。
North Sea Brent crude oil prices averaged $32/barrel (b) in February, a $1/b increase from January.
Brent crude oil prices are forecast to average $34/b in 2016 and $40/b in 2017, $3/b and $10/b lower than forecast in last month's STEO, respectively. The lower forecast prices reflect oil production that has been more resilient than expected in a low-price environment and lower expectations for forecast oil demand growth.
Forecast West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude oil prices are expected to average the same as Brent in 2016 and 2017. However, the current values of futures and options contracts suggest high uncertainty in the price outlook. For example, EIA's forecast for the average WTI price in June 2016 of $35/b should be considered in the context of recent Nymex contract values for June 2016 delivery (Market Prices and Uncertainty Report) suggesting that the market expects WTI prices to range from $24/b to $58/b (at the 95% confidence interval).
U.S. crude oil production averaged an estimated 9.4 million barrels per day (b/d) in 2015, and it is forecast to average 8.7 million b/d in 2016 and 8.2 million b/d in 2017. EIA estimates that crude oil production in February averaged 9.1 million b/d, which was 80,000 b/d below the January level.
Natural gas working inventories were 2,536 billion cubic feet (Bcf) on February 26, 46% higher than during the same week last year and 36% higher than the previous five-year average (2011-15) for that week. EIA forecasts that inventories will end the winter heating season (March 31) at 2,288 Bcf, which would be 54% above the level at the same time last year. Henry Hub spot prices are forecast to average $2.25/million British thermal units (MMBtu) in 2016 and $3.02/MMBtu in 2017, compared with an average of $2.63/MMBtu in 2015.
Natural gas is expected to fuel the largest share of electricity generation in 2016 at 33%, compared with 32% for coal. This would be the first time that natural gas provides more electricity generation than coal on an annual average basis. In 2017, natural gas and coal are both forecast to fuel 32% of electricity generation. For renewables, the forecast share of total electricity generation supplied by hydropower rises from 6% in 2016 to 7% in 2017, and the forecast share for other renewables increases from 8% in 2016 to 9% in 2017.
上查。 點 spreadsheet of archived data.
Goldman Sachs says that SPX will up 5% and commodity rally is mirage. Conflicting information. without commodity rally, how SPX up?