(2010-09-05 12:04:47)
浩浩愁,茫茫劫; 短歌終,明月缺。 鬱鬱佳城,中有碧血; 碧亦有時盡,血亦有時滅。 一縷香魂無斷絕! 是耶?非耶? 化為蝴蝶。。。
The sorrow is oh so vast;
Misfortunes all around.
The ballade ends abruptly;
The moon, bright, but no longer round.
In that beautiful city where she’s from,
There runs loyal blood, red and hot.
The red will one day fade out;
The blood will eventually run out;
But her soul will never perish, her scent never rot.
A butterfly just swings by.
Is that her, is that not?