
乘客 王菲

(2010-09-02 18:16:17) 下一個
曲:Sophine Zelman/Lars Halapi

高架橋過去了 路口還有好多個
這旅程不曲折 一轉眼就到了
坐你開的車 聽你聽的歌 我們好快樂

第一盞燈開了 你在想什麽
歌聲好快樂 那歌手結婚了
坐你開的車 聽你聽的歌 我不是不快樂

白雲蒼白色 藍天灰藍色 我家快到了
我是這部車 第一個乘客 我不是不快樂

天空血紅色 星星灰銀色 你的愛人呢

We went off the high-way,
Still some intersections ahead;
It is not a long way,
We'll arrive in a second.

Sitting in the car you drive,
Listening to the songs you like,
I can't but feel, happy.

The first light has turned green,
your mind still lost in something?
The singer sings so happily,
She just had her wedding day.

Sitting in the car you drive,
Listening to the songs you like,
I wouldn't say I am not happy.

Pale white are the white clouds,
Gloomy blue is the blue sky,
Around the corner is my home.

I am the passenger of this car,
the first passenger of your car,
How can I say I am not happy.

Crimson red turns the sky,
Dusky silver appear the stars,
Your lover, is she around?
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