
瑜伽筆記之五 -- 姿勢與理療

(2011-10-17 12:05:50) 下一個
-- Richard Hittleman's "YOGA 28 day exercise plan" 之摘錄


You will find that a number of your health and beauty problem areeventually solved in the course of yoga practicing. For example, apain in the shoulder, stiffness of muscle. A major value of HathaYoga lies in the fact that it takes into consideration themethodical stimulation necessary for organs and glands of the body.In almost all methods of exercise the emphasis is placed on themuscular system, while the endocrine, nervous and circulatorysystem are sadly neglected.

The brain and pituitary gland are affected by the head Stand, theheart and thyroid are involved in the Shoulder Stand, the Locuststrengthens the reproductive organs and glands and the kidneys arestimulated through the Cobra and Bow. The Abdominal Lift provides atype of natural "massage" for the stomach, colon, intestines,liver, kidneys, gall bladder and pancreas - all with one movement!That is why this wonderful exercise deserves all the practice youcan give to it.

To summarize: The heart is always pumping against gravity tocirculate the blood into the vital organs and glands situated aboveit. With the body in the inverted positions those organs and glandsare now below the heart. The effect of this simple maneuver on theentire organism is truly remarkable.

Most physical problems have developed over a period of time, andattempting to deal with them through natural means, such as Yoga,it is unrealistic to expect an immediate solution. It is possiblethat many minor conditions will respond quickly; more seriousproblems require sustained, patient practice.
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