
  • 博客訪問:

A tale of two political systems

(2013-10-08 10:47:35) 下一個
Eric X. Li
 就在我成年過程中,又發生了一件事.仿佛我這輩子隻經曆那一個還不夠似的。 我又被灌輸了另一個宏大敘事. 這個元敘事的完美與早前的那一個不分伯仲. 它同樣宣稱,人類社會 遵循著一個線性的發展規律,指向一個終極目標. 故事是這樣展開的: 所有的人類社會,不論其文化有何異同,其民眾是基督徒、穆斯林還是儒家信徒,都將從傳統社會過渡到現代社會. 在傳統社會中,最基本的社會單位是群體; 而在現代社會中,最基本的、神聖不可侵犯的社會單位是原子化的個人。 所有的個人都被認定為是理性的, 都有同一個訴求:選舉權. 因為每一個個人都是理性的,一旦有了權選舉, 必然會選出好政府隨後過上永遠幸福的生活又是一個人間天堂. 選舉民主製早晚將成為 所有國家和民族唯一的政治製度,再加上一個自由放任的市場讓他們發財. 但在實現這個目標之前,我們必須投身於 正義與邪惡的鬥爭. (笑聲) 民主國家代表正義,並肩負著在全世界推動民主的使命, 有時甚至可以動用武力,來打擊那些不實行選舉的邪惡勢力.
 所以,我禁不住問自己,我眼前畫麵到底哪裏不對勁兒?我在一切今非昔比的故鄉上海,我自己的事業蒸蒸日上. 新生企業如雨後春筍般發展起來. 中產階級以史無前例的 速度和規模在增長但根據那個宏大敘事,這一切景象本都不可能出現. 麵對這一切,我開始做我唯一可以做的事,即研究它. 中國的確是個一黨製的國家 由中國共產黨長期執政,不實行西方意義上的選舉. 按照當代主流的政治理論 人們據此可以生成三個判斷,即這個製度一定是體製上僵化的、政治上封閉的、道德上不具合法性的但這些論斷是錯誤的。 事實恰恰相反. 中國的一黨製具有與時俱進的能力、選賢任能的體製、深植於民心的政權合法性, 這些是確保其成功的三個核心要素。
大多數政治學家斷言一黨製天生缺乏自我糾錯能力.因此很難持久。 而事實卻是. 中共已經在中國這個世界上最大的國家之一連續執政64年, 其政策調整的幅度超過近代以來任何國家。 從激進的土改到大躍進運動, 再到土地準私有化”,文化大革命”,到鄧小平的市場化改革。 鄧小平的繼任者江澤民更進一步 主動吸納包括民營企業家在內的新社會階層人士入黨,而這在毛的時代是不可想象的。 事實證明,中共具有超凡的與時俱進和自我糾錯能力。 過去實行的一些不再有效的製度 也不斷得到糾正和更新. 比如,政治領導人的任期製. 以前,政治領導人實際上是終身任職的. 這容易導致大權獨攬、 不受製約等問題. 毛澤東作為現代中國的締造者, 在位晚年也未能避免犯下類似的嚴重錯誤隨後,中共逐步實施了領導人的任期製並將任職的年齡上限確定為6870歲。
第二個西方主流的觀點認為,一黨製意味著政治上封閉,一小撮人把持了權力,必然導致劣政和腐敗.的確,腐敗是一個大問題. 不過,讓我們先打開視野看一下全景. 說起來可能令人難以置信. 中共內部選賢任能競爭之激烈程度 可能超過世界上所有的政治組織. 十八大前,中共的最高領導機構——中央政治局共有25名委員. 其中隻有5 出身背景優越,也就是所謂的太子黨”. 其餘20人,包括國家主席和政府總理, 都是平民出身. 再看300多人組成的十七屆中央委員會, 出身顯赫者的比例更低. 可以說,絕大多數中共高層領導人 都是靠自身努力和激烈競爭獲得晉升的. 與其他發達國家和發展中國家 統治精英的出身相比,我們必須承認中共內部平民出身的幹部享有廣闊的晉升空間.
這一區間的職位包羅萬象,既可以負責貧困農村的衛生工作也可能負責城區裏的招商引資。或一個企業的管理人員. 各級幹部每年都要接受組織部門的考察. 其中包括征求上級、下級和同事的反饋意見, 以及個人操守審查. 此外還有民意調查. 最終擇優提職. 在整個職業生涯中,幹部們 在這三大領域內輪轉任職. 在基層表現優秀的佼佼者 可以晉升為副局和正局級幹部. 進入高級幹部行列. 這一級別的幹部,有可能 領導數百萬人口的城區,也有可能管理年營業收入數億美元的國有企業. 從統計數據就可以看出選拔局級幹部的競爭有多激烈, 2012年,中國科級與副科級幹部約為90萬人,處級與副處級幹部約為60萬人,而局級與副局級幹部僅為4萬人.
在局級幹部中,最為出眾的極少數人才有機會繼續晉升, 238最終進入中共中央委員會。一個晉升到高層的幹部,職業生涯要經過二三十年的曆練. 這過程中有任人唯親的問題嗎,當然有. 但從根本上,幹部是否德才兼備才是提拔的決定性因素。 事實上,中華帝國的官僚體係有著千年曆史, 今天中共的組織部門創造性地繼承了這一獨特的曆史遺產,並發展成現代化的製度以培養當代中國的政治精英. 新任國家主席習近平的履曆就是非常鮮明的例證. 習的父親確實是中共的一位前領導人,這很不尋常, 他是第一個前領導人後代當上最高領導的. 但他的仕途也曆經了30年之久 習近平從村幹部做起,一步一個腳印的走到今天這個崗位。在他進入中央政治局之前,他領導過的地區總人口累計已超過1.5創造的GDP合計超過1.5萬億美元.千萬不要誤解,這不是針對具體的人,僅僅是事實的陳述. 如果要論政府管理經驗,小布什, 記得他嗎? 這不是看不起任何人. (笑聲) 在任德州州長前,和奧巴馬第一次問鼎美國總統時,他們資曆還比不上中國一個小縣長
溫斯頓·丘吉爾曾說:民主是個壞製度,但其他製度更壞可惜,他沒有見識過組織部. 西方人總認為 多黨競選和普選是合法性的唯一來源. 曾有人問我:中共不經選舉執政. 其合法性從何而來? 我的回答是:舍我其誰的執政能力.” 我們都知道曆史. 1949年中共執政時, 中國戰火肆虐,外敵橫行,國土四分五裂,滿目瘡痍,中國人的人均壽命僅為41歲。但在今天,中國已躋身世界第二大經濟體,一個工業大國,人民生活迅速改善。根據皮尤研究中心在中國的民意調查報告,其中一些數據反映了中國的主流民意:85%的中國民眾,對國家未來方向表示滿意. 民眾認為過去五年生活得到改善的比例 70%對未來頗感樂觀的民眾比例,壓倒性的82%《金融時報》全球青年民調結果剛剛公布的數據顯示. 93%的中國90後年輕人 對國家的未來感到樂觀。如果這不是合法性,那我就不知道到底什麽才是合法性了。
元敘事就像癌症一樣正在從內部吞噬民主. 我想澄清一下. 我並不是要譴責民主. 相反,我認為民主 對西方的崛起和現代世界的誕生居功至偉. 然而,很多西方精英 把某一種民主形式模式化、普世化,他們的傲慢,是西方當前各種病症的病灶所在如果西方的精英不是把大把的時間花在向外國推銷民主上,而是更多關心一下自身的政治改革,恐怕民主還不至於像今天這樣無望. 中國的政治模式不可能取代 選舉民主, 因為中國從不將自己的政治製度包裝成普世通用的模式. 也從不熱衷於對外輸出。但這正是關鍵所在. 中國模式的重要意義不在於為世界各國提供了一個可以替代選舉民主的新模式而在於從實踐上證明了良政的模式不是單一而是多元的,各國都能找到適合本國的政治製度。讓我們為元敘事的時代畫個句號吧。 共產主義和民主可能都是人類美好的追求, 但它們普世化的教條時代已經過去。 我們的下一代,不需要被灌輸說 世界上隻有一種政治模式所有社會都隻有一種歸宿。 這是錯誤的,不負責任的 更是乏味的。 讓世界給多元模式生存的空間吧. 也許一個更精彩的時代正緩緩拉開帷幕. 我們有沒有勇氣擁抱它呢?
Now, as I was coming of age, something else happened.As if one big story wasn't enough,I was told another one.This one was just as grand.It also claims that all human societiesdevelop in a linear progression towards a singular end.This one went as follows:All societies, regardless of culture,be it Christian, Muslim, Confucian,must progress from traditional societiesin which groups are the basic unitsto modern societies in which atomized individualsare the sovereign units,and all these individuals are, by definition, rational,and they all want one thing:the vote.Because they are all rational, once given the vote,they produce good governmentand live happily ever after.Paradise on Earth, again.Sooner or later, electoral democracy will bethe only political system for all countries and all peoples,with a free market to make them all rich.But before we get there, we're engaged in a strugglebetween good and evil.(Laughter)The good belongs to those who are democraciesand are charged with a mission of spreading itaround the globe, sometimes by force,against the evil of those who do not hold elections.
The second assumption is that in a one-party state,power gets concentrated in the hands of the few,and bad governance and corruption follow.Indeed, corruption is a big problem,but let's first look at the larger context.Now, this may be counterintuitive to you.The Party happens to be one of the most meritocraticpolitical institutions in the world today.China's highest ruling body, the Politburo, has 25 members.In the most recent one, only five of themcame from a background of privilege, so-called princelings.The other 20, including the president and the premier,came from entirely ordinary backgrounds.In the larger central committee of 300 or more,the percentage of those who were borninto power and wealth was even smaller.The vast majority of senior Chinese leadersworked and competed their way to the top.Compare that with the ruling elitesin both developed and developing countries,I think you'll find the Party being near the topin upward mobility.
The question then is, how could that be possiblein a system run by one party?Now we come to a powerful political institution,little-known to Westerners:the Party's Organization Department.The department functions like a gianthuman resource engine that would be the envyof even some of the most successful corporations.It operates a rotating pyramidmade up of three components:civil service, state-owned enterprises,and social organizations like a universityor a community program.They form separate yet integrated career pathsfor Chinese officials.They recruit college grads into entry-level positionsin all three tracks, and they start from the bottom,called "keyuan" [clerk].Then they could get promotedthrough four increasingly elite ranks:fuke [deputy section manager], ke [section manager], fuchu [deputy division manager], and chu [division manger].Now these are not moves from "Karate Kid," okay?It's serious business.The range of positions is wide,from running health care in a villageto foreign investment in a city districtto manager in a company.Once a year, the department reviews their performance.They interview their superiors, their peers,their subordinates. They vet their personal conduct.They conduct public opinion surveys.Then they promote the winners.Throughout their careers, these cadrescan move through and out of all three tracks.Over time, the good ones move beyond the four base levelsto the fuju [deputy bureau chief] and ju [bureau chief] levels.There, they enter high officialdom.By that point, a typical assignment will beto manage a district with a population in the millionsor a company with hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue.Just to show you how competitive the system is,in 2012, there were 900,000 fuke and ke levels,600,000 fuchu and chu levels,and only 40,000 fuju and ju levels.
We live in the dusk of an era.Meta-narratives that make universal claimsfailed us in the 20th centuryand are failing us in the 21st.Meta-narrative is the cancerthat is killing democracy from the inside.Now, I want to clarify something.I'm not here to make an indictment of democracy.On the contrary, I think democracy contributedto the rise of the West and the creation of the modern world.It is the universal claim that many Western elitesare making about their political system, the hubris,that is at the heart of the West's current ills.If they would spend just a little less timeon trying to force their way onto others,and a little bit more on political reform at home,they might give their democracy a better chance.China's political model will never supplantelectoral democracy, because unlike the latter,it doesn't pretend to be universal.It cannot be exported. But that is the point precisely.The significance of China's exampleis not that it provides an alternative,but the demonstration that alternatives exist.Let us draw to a close this era of meta-narratives.Communism and democracy may both be laudable ideals,but the era of their dogmatic universalism is over.Let us stop telling people and our childrenthere's only one way to govern ourselvesand a singular future towards whichall societies must evolve.It is wrong. It is irresponsible.And worst of all, it is boring.Let universality make way for plurality.Perhaps a more interesting age is upon us.Are we brave enough to welcome it?
EXL: You know, Frank Fukuyama, the political scientist,called the Chinese system "responsive authoritarianism."It's not exactly right, but I think it comes close.So I know the largest public opinion survey companyin China, okay?Do you know who their biggest client is?The Chinese government.Not just from the central government,the city government, the provincial government,to the most local neighborhood districts.They conduct surveys all the time.Are you happy with the garbage collection?Are you happy with the general direction of the country?So there is, in China, there is a different kind of mechanismto be responsive to the demands and the thinking of the people.My point is, I think we should get unstuckfrom the thinking that there's only one political system --election, election, election --that could make it responsive.I'm not sure, actually, elections produceresponsive government anymore in the world.
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