昨天女兒給喜歡的男生寫條子被抓, 我很不好意思地在老師發的warning note上簽了字。
今天問她, 那個男孩知道了嗎? 她說, 當然不知道, 條子被老師收走了啊。
why not? you think I am going to give up?
想了想, 這麽花癡,該怎麽引導啊?
有一些確定, 但不是百分之百。this feeling has been going on for two years.
要是他被你的bold move嚇到了,以後再也不敢和你說話了呢?
oh? why?
what if his friends find out and start to mock or joke on him? what if he feels embarrassed?
I dont care.
you dont care how he feels?
mama, things changed, it is not like when you were young, OK? nobody feels embarrassed just because someone likes you.
I think the best way to handle it is to do it subtly. You can find chances to talk to him, share something with him, ask for help or play with him, so both of your feelings can grow natually and smoothly. If you take this bold action, you may scare him away or make each other feel awkward.
boys usually dont like girls to be too aggressive
because millions of years ago, men are hunters , women are gatherers. that is the way we are,
說著說著, 就進入人類學了。 我還是很善於引導的吧?