

(2010-05-02 19:56:00) 下一個
者:胡庚申 申雲楨(清華大學外語係,北京 100084)

一、引 言

科學論文的寫作在常用句型、用語方麵有一定的規律可循。掌握這些基本規律,寫作論文時可收到事半功倍的效果。那麽,常用的句型、句式怎樣分類比較科學?通常用到的句式為哪些類型?各種類型又有哪些基本表達方法? 所有這些問題,都擬在本文內例述和研討。


  1. 有利於避免不必要的重複。許多有用的句型,通常出現在科學論文的不同部分,如表示研究目的用語,不僅在論文摘要中用到,而且在引言、討論、甚至結論等部分都會用到。如果我們在講述怎樣寫作各部分時都列舉類似的用語,勢必造成重複、贅述。現在把它們集中起來分類例述,就能避免不必要的重複。
  2. 掌握分類句式用語有利於比較地道、規範的英語表達。把英美人寫作論文時的句式用語集中地進行分類選擇,有利於廣大專業技術人員和研究生們學習、模仿比較地道、規範的英語表達,有利於節約時間,避免費力耗時地造出“蹩腳的”、甚至“中國式”的英語表達。
  3. 掌握分類句式用語有利於寫作中的多樣化表達。把表達相同或相似概念的不同表達方式集中分類,便於寫作中選擇、比較,有利於交替使用不同的句型,避免句式單調、用詞單一,實現表達多樣。
  4. 掌握分類句式用語也符合科學論文的寫作規律。因為常用的句型是寫作中客觀存在的,它們的使用已基本上格式化,而且使用的頻率又很高,所以對常用的句式用語進行科學的分類,是一件有實用意義的工作。


  1. 從邏輯思維角度考慮。人們總是首先提出問題,然後分析和解決問題,最後得出結果或結論。這可以看作是解決問題的一種“模式”。這種“模式”,也可作為我們分類選擇句式用語時的指導思想。
  2. 從寫作程式角度考慮。任何一篇科學論文的寫作,大都要:①指出其研究的目的,②限定其討論的範圍,③說明其理論的依據,④描述其實驗的步驟,⑤介紹其工作的方法,⑥展示其研究的結果,⑦作出科學的評價等。這種基本“程式”,正是我們分類選擇句式用語的實踐依據。







  1. The purpose of this paper is…
  2. The primary goal of this research is…
  3. The intention of this paper is to survey…
  4. The overa11 objective of this study is…
  5. In this paper,… was provided (given,i11ustrated)
  6. Our goal has been to provide…
  7. In this paper,we aim at…
  8. The emphasis of this study lies in…


  1. The present work is concerned with the processes underlying…
  2. The above work deals with the mechanism involved in…
  3. Our work at present is devoted to the changes occurring in…
  4. The work we have done bears on the effects produced by…
  5. The work we are doing is closely related to the deliberations described in .
  6. Compared with the current research, the previous work was in connection with the investigation made by…
  7. The work presented in this paper focuses on several aspects of the following…
  8. The authors are now initiating some experimental investigation to establish…
  9. Our studies were performed to determine the amount of…
  10. The problem we have outlined deals largely with the study of…


  1. The chief aim of the present work is to investigate the features of …
  2. The main purpose of our recent work was to examine the properties of…
  3. The major object of their further work will be research into the nature of…
  4. Our work in this direction has been intended to provide some information about…
  5. The work which is being done now is designed to find some solution to the problem of…
  6. Work of this kind has been started in order to assess the role of …
  7. Previous work in this area was initiated in the hope of obtaining data in…
  8. We did this work hoping to establish…
  9. The authors undertook the work with a view to show…
  10. By doing this work we expect(ed) to demonstrate…
  11. Doing this joint work, we intend(ed) to show…
  12. The primary objective of our work was to define the reasons for redundant protection systems and give examples of systems used in …
  13. With research of many years, the author’s endeavour is to explain why in…
  14. The above-mentioned work has been performed with a view of …

(4)該項研究的主要目的是 …

  1. The chief aim of the present study is to find out…
  2. The primary object of this fundamental research will be to reveal the cause of …
  3. The main objective of our investigation has been to obtain some knowledge of…
  4. The study of …was made in order to clarify…
  5. The above study has been carried out to determine…
  6. Their(pioneer)studies were intended to elucidate…
  7. Those earlier investigations are in hopes of providing evidence for…
  8. We performed this present study in the hope that we might bring to light some facts about…
  9. The authors attempted their studies in order that they might…
  10. We undertook the above study to the end that we might…
  11. They initiated the present study so that they might…
  12. Carrying out this study we hope to find out…
  13. Performing these studies the author intended to reveal…
  14. With recent research, the author intends to outline the framework of…


  1. We made these experiments in order to show a correlation between…
  2. The author attempted the set of experiment with a view to demonstrate certain phenomena…
  3. Experiments on…were made in order to measure the amount of…
  4. Experiments involving…have been carried out to determine…
  5. Experiments using this technique are (not )under way test(check) …
  6. Experiments on…are made to answer the question whether…
  7. The experiment being made by our research group is aimed at obtaining the result of…
  8. We have designed such an experiment for the purpose of …






  1. This problem is concerned (chiefly)with the study of…
  2. The problem of …deals (largely)with the determination of …
  3. The problem they have advanced bears on the elucidation of …
  4. The problem to be discussed in this paper is related closely with…
  5. The problem described previously was directed to the example of…, which differs from…
  6. The problem under investigation involves some significant agreements and disagreements in…


  1. The problem concerned with the nature of…
  2. The problem relating to the influence of…
  3. The problem which deals with the role of…
  4. The problem which bears on the effect of…
  5. The problem in connection with…
  6. The problem as mentioned previously in…


  1. The problem is within the scope of …
  2. Our problem lies beyond the range of …
  3. The problem you have just outlined seems to be outside of the province of…
  4. The problem the authors have raised goes off the limits of…
  5. The problem I have referred to falls within the field of…
  6. The problem under discussion is not within the scope of…


  1. Studies of these effects cover(ed)various aspects of……
  2. Investigations on…involve(d) also specific situations.
  3. Our studies with this technique are confined to one particular aspect.
  4. More recent studies by this worker were chiefly concerned with the influence of…
  5. The research on the conventional techniques explains well the phenomenon of
  6. The new findings from the experiment agree to the result obtained in…


  1. The authors have extended their studies to some other related species.
  2. We hope to expand our investigations to include other materials.
  3. The research we have done deserves further studies.
  4. The investigation carried out by the experts suggests an increase of the application in …
  5. The approach under study predicates a wider range of application.


1. 主要用場

說明有理論根據的句式用語,在英語科學論文中常出現在引言、實驗描述及討論等部分。說明理論根據時常用表達如下:“該理論是……提出來的”,“該理論的內容(特點)是……”;“根據該理論,可以得出……”,“該理論認為 ……”,“應用該理論能(或不能)說明……”等等。

2. 常用句式


  1. The theory of…was created 50 years ago
  2. The alternative theory was constructed in 50’s.
  3. The theory of…was developed in the 1930’s…
  4. The theory of…was elaborated in the early 70’s.
  5. The theory of…was formulated as early as 1900.
  6. The theory of…was advanced as long ago as the 1860’s.
  7. The theory of…was put forward as far back as 1897.
  8. The theory of…was proposed last year.
  9. The theory of…was suggested the year before last year.


  1. Underlying this theory is the idea that…
  2. The underlying concept of this theory is…
  3. The underlying principle of the theory is as follows…
  4. This is an alternative theory that…
  5. This is a similar theory to the effect that …
  6. This is a working theory which is based on the idea that…
  7. A basic feature of this theory is …
  8. The fundamental feature of this theory is as follows.
  9. The theory is characterized by…
  10. …prove to be the outstanding features of the theory.


  1. According to B’s theory both processes occur simultaneously.
  2. As follows from the theory by N, such situations lead to…
  3. As can be seen from the theory and theory advanced by…such interactions are the basis of…
  4. In the light of the theory ,we have developed a variation method to handle such problems.
  5. Based on the theory, the author has obtained sufficient information from recent experiments with…


  1. The kinetic theory holds that…
  2. This newly-developed theory maintains that…
  3. The theory advanced by…claims that…
  4. The theory of …predicts that…
  5. The principal concept of the theory lies in…
  6. The investigating theory…


  1. We can interpret these findings in terms of the above theory.
  2. We cannot explain these phenomena using the above theory.
  3. We can hardly explain these findings applying this theory.
  4. These findings can be interpreted in terms of the above theory.
  5. Such phenomena cannot be explained on the basis of this theory.
  6. The theory can (not) apply to other cases of…
  7. The theory developed by…is valid (invalid)for other species.
  8. X’s theory proved to be true for all steps of…
  9. The above theory has been verified by many other authors.
  10. This very peculiar theory can be applied to a wider range of experiments in …


1. 主要用場


2. 常用句式


  1. The experiment consisted of three steps, which are described in Table 3.
  2. The test equipment which was used consisted of five force-measuring transducers and two recording instruments furnished by…
  3. Included in the experiment were a high- pressure vessel assembly, 2 UA –3 uranium 5
    analyzers, and a complete 100*50*50 cm soil bin.
  4. All high-pressure hydrogen creep rupture tests were carried out in specially designed high pressure equipment rated at…
  5. The winch is composed of the following main parts: a welded frame, a safety-brake clutch, a chain drum and a worn reducing gear.


  1. An experiment of the kind has not been made.
  2. The kind of experiment you have in mind has never been carried out until now.
  3. The kind of experiment you mentioned would not be undertaken in the near future.
  4. So far we have not performed any experiment of this kind.
  5. Until now the authors have not attempted any field experiments of…
  6. Researches on the mobility of ions in neutral gases began more than 75 years ago, but very accurate data obtained through actual experiments have not appeared as yet.
  7. …However, no direct experimental measurements of this have been reported.


  1. We (have)carried out several sets of experiments to test the validity of…
  2. They undertook many experiments to support the hypothesis which…
  3. We initiated experiments to prove…
  4. They have undertaken special experiments to disprove…
  5. A number of experiments were performed to check…
  6. Many studies have to be attempted to verify…
  7. More than one set of experiments must be initiated to substantiate…


  1. Experiments by M and his associates (have) showed…
  2. Recent experiments in this area (have) suggested that…
  3. The present series of experiments (have) indicate(d) that…
  4. The experiments reported here (have) demonstrate (d)
  5. These experiments involving…confirm(ed) our evidence that…
  6. Our experiments with…failed to prove…
  7. These highly-technical experiments support(ed) our assumption that…
  8. Our initial experiment confirms that the choice of concept is correct.
  9. The above-mentioned experiment has proved the newly –developed technique is very reliable.
  10. This conclusion is also supported by the experiment as has been described previously.


1. 主要用場

介紹研究(實驗)方法的句式用語,在英語科學論文中常見於摘要(資料型摘要)、引言、實驗描述及建議等部分,介紹研究方法時的常用表達如:“該方法首先由……發明(使用)”,“該方法與其他方法有 ……差別”,“應用該方法可以進行……工作”,“該方法稱為……”,“使用該方法已獲得……”等。

2. 常用句式


  1. The method of … was first developed by N.
  2. The method of … was first applied by B.
  3. The method of … was first used by A in the early XXth century.
  4. The method of … was first brought into used by C.
  5. The method of … came into use as long ago as 1920.
  6. The original proposal of this method was first made and published in 1963.
  7. The method of making a frequency standard was not invented till the existence of…


  1. The method of … does not differ at all the routine one
  2. The method of we use differs greatly from the one used earlier.
  3. The method they developed is somewhat different from the conventional one.
  4. The new technique is quite different from the old one.
  5. The newly-elaborated technique has something (nothing, little) in common with the one previously used.
  6. The method of deriving a program described here differs from previous practice in that…


  1. The method allows us to demonstrate…
  2. This technique enables us to observe…
  3. The above procedure makes it possible to defect…
  4. This method is capable of providing…
  5. By the method we are able to investigate the insight of…
  6. We have adopted the integrated filtering cell approach to miniaturize the prototype.
  7. The method proves to be useful in…
  8. The interpretation effects were successfully evaluated by employing AIA.


  1. The method used is known as…
  2. The technique we applied is referred to as…
  3. The procedure the followed can be briefly described as …
  4. The approach adopted extensively is called…
  5. Since the method was first put in use, we might as well name it as…

(5)用該方法已獲得 ……

  1. We have obtained this information from recent experiments with…
  2. Detailed information has been acquisited by the authors using X-ray analysis.
  3. The researches have recorded valuable data using the newly-developed method.
  4. The experts in the research center are satisfactory with the experimental results achieved by the application of…


1. 主要用場


2. 常用句式


  1. The studies we have performed show(ed) that these particles are responsible for …
  2. These pioneer studies that the authors attempted have indicated marked variations in…
  3. We carried out several studies which have demonstrated that the substance acts on …
  4. The research we have done suggests an increase in…
  5. The investigation carried out by…has revealed no resistance of…
  6. Our research has supported the assumption that…
  7. Their studies have confirmed the opinion that…
  8. This research bore out the idea that…
  9. Laboratory studies of…did not furnish any information about…
  10. Our research carried out to the same effect failed to reveal any variations in…
  11. Recent research into the nature of… fails to support the theory that…
  12. Most recent studies showed no changes in…
  13. Further research reveals no evidence of…
  14. All our preliminary results throw light on the nature of…


  1. More recent experiments in this area lead us to conclude that the phenomenon is related to …
  2. Most recent experiments to the same effect have led the authors to believe that the mechanism is out of action.
  3. Further experiments in this area have enabled these workers to suggest that…
  4. As a result of our experiments, we concluded that…
  5. From our experiments, the authors came to realize that…
  6. From these experiments one can conclude that…


  1. This fruitful work gives explanation of…
  2. Their fundamental work provides some knowledge of …
  3. The author’s pioneer work has contributed to our present understanding of…
  4. This joint work of many years has led to further progress in…
  5. Our integrated work of the past few years adds to our current concept of…
  6. The research work has brought about a discovery of…
  7. The research by workers (has) result(ed) in a solution of…
  8. Our work on…(has) failed to give…
  9. Their initial work with…did not result in…
  10. This initial work with…did not result in…
  11. Further work in this field failed to contribute to…
  12. These findings of the research has led the author to a conclusion that…


  1. Some results of…are obtained in the experiment with…
  2. Sufficient result for…has been observed with the new method…
  3. Further progress can be provided by these experiments…
  4. No clear advancement has (so far)been see in…
  5. No direct outcome was then reported in…
  6. No such finding could be available in…
  7. No further result can be found with that technique.
  8. No experimental evidence has come to the studies of…


  1. Figure 3 shows the results obtained form studies of…
  2. Table 5 presents the data provided by the experiments on…
  3. This table summarized the data collect during the experiment of …
  4. The results reported above have been shown in Figure1.
  5. Our experimental data briefly summarized as follows.
  6. Some of the authors’ findings are listed in tables.


1. 主要用場


2. 常用句式和詞語

  1. The author’s work on…has been very successful
  2. Our work involving studies of…did not prove to be encouraging.
  3. The new information has been insufficient to indicate that the change is dramatic.
  4. On of the assets of this technique is that it is very simple.
  5. The theory by…seemed quite competent.
  6. We consider the new idea quite likely a suitable one
  7. The data available in literature are quite important.
  8. The newly-developed method has certain advantages over the existing methods.
  9. The author has satisfactorily come to a conclusion that…
  10. These highly-technical experiments failed to provide any correlation between…
  11. The theory of…did not explain how much modifications arose.
  12. These findings are not consistent with the current theory.
  13. The above hypothesis seems rather interesting.
  14. So far there is not enough convincing evidence showing…
  15. The data obtained appear to be very similar to those reported earlier by…
  16. There may be a different approach to the above findings
  17. Our experimental result does not seem to suggest the following assumptions

利用上述句式,表示肯定評價的形容詞,如:good, satisfactory, competent, convincing ,
adequate, reliable, correct, valid, helpful, fruitful, successful, stimulating, attractive, interesting, promising, exciting, careful;, profound, comprehensive, useful, encouraging, extensive, clear, sufficient, etc.

表示否定評價的形容詞,如:deficient, faulty, inadequate, incomplete, unconvincing, unsatisfactory, meaningless, unreliable, incorrect, wrong, invalid, confusing, inexplicit, contradictory, controversial, divergent, puzzling, conflicting, ambiguous, insufficient, etc.


  1. 指出研究目的,常用句型用語54條;
  2. 限定主題範圍,常用句型用語30條;
  3. 說明理論依據,常用句型用語36條;
  4. 描述實驗過程,常用句型用語30條;
  5. 介紹工作方法,常用句型用語 32條;
  6. 展示 研究結果,常用句型用語46條;
  7. 作出科學評價,常用句型17條及48個表示肯定或否定的形容詞。


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