克裏斯托夫•金 (Christopher Jing)



(2009-04-29 11:15:28) 下一個



棕熊(Ursus arctos)是一種體魄龐大的熊,古稱羆,常常給人憨厚和傻冒的假象,實際上,一旦發怒,棕熊鐵掌的“斷劈式突襲”勝過虎狼。

熊市(Bear market),也稱空頭市場,指行情普遍看淡延續時間相對較長的貶值大市,市場跌幅通常在20%以上,時至半年、兩年不等。













同樣,在過去6至7周美國股市接近25%的強勁攀升中,華爾街依舊重操舊盤,透過3月間花旗銀行(NYSE: C)和美國銀行(NYSE: BAC)的盈利預期,再次引發了全球經濟瞬間轉向氣勢如虹的熊市反彈。




華爾街短期的“探底”警醒投資人 —— 它隻不過是一個再自然不過的熊市中的強勁反彈!




1929年“大蕭條”記憶猶新,危機中美國國民生產總值(GNP)整體下跌30%,消費者價格指數(CPI)遞減25%,失業率從3%飆升至 25%,1931年至1940年10年間的失業率平均為18.8%。









苦的倒是以勤奮型中產階級為主體的投資大眾,自生以來就貼上“勞碌命”標簽,他們始終抓不住進出市場的最佳時機,鮮少買底賣高,即使股市大反彈也不一定賺錢,常常來不及轉手出倉獲利套現,反被“斷劈式” 熊掌擊得頭暈眼花,在猶豫彷徨中坐失良機,再陷熊市陷阱。












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空穀回音2 回複 悄悄話 回複克裏斯托夫的評論:



克裏斯托夫 回複 悄悄話 回複空穀回音2的評論:

Keep in mind, I am giving a clue as to how the US and China should consider different scenarios in face of challenges and opportunities, and not in anyway to either endorse or oppose. You want to provide an in-depth meaningful thinking to those in power to make decisions, rather than to order and coach them as to how.
空穀回音2 回複 悄悄話 此次危機的模式應該描繪如下:
資本主義製度 —> 生產過剩,貿易失衡,市場投機+政策失誤 —> 過度消費(低息貸款) —> 違約掉期 —> 金融危機 —> 實體經濟危機。
空穀回音2 回複 悄悄話 看了你的卡爾.馬克思的複活:科學共產主義的再現,你將此次美國經濟危機解釋為:
資本主義製度 —> 有效需求不足 —> 生產過剩 —> 供需失衡 —> 過度消費(零息貸款) —> 違約掉期 —> 金融危機 —> 實體經濟危機。

空穀回音2 回複 悄悄話 回複克裏斯托夫的評論:
克裏斯托夫 回複 悄悄話 In fact, if we like to explore deeply what is behind the crisis, we should not put too much focus and concerns on daily policies fluctuating and adjusting. News is changing. Government may pour the liquidity today over the market while otherwise to tight the monetary policy tomorrow. Then you could see the entire landscape is reshaped into completely different one. Given what the price is changing constantly and without a break in stock market, the past is just a past while we'd better always look forward to the changing of future price.

Again, given the changing daily situation on short-run, it's hard to convince anyone for the direction that the economy goes and the market follows. I am very interested in how we facilitate the structural change for long-run.
克裏斯托夫 回複 悄悄話 回複空穀回音2的評論:


空穀回音2 回複 悄悄話 回複克裏斯托夫的評論:
chipmonks 回複 悄悄話 回複克裏斯托夫的評論:
樓主過獎了. 小的不是學經濟出身,隻是要賺個菜錢而已.
樓主憂國憂民的精神值得學習.魯賓尼(Roubini)之流沽名釣譽的,跟您不在一個層次. Look forward to your new book.
克裏斯托夫 回複 悄悄話 回複空穀回音2的評論:

There is no such things as 1+1=2 in financial or stock market. You could engage in endless disputes with others in terms of where the money derives from and how it should be used for. While for stock traders, sense, disciplines and cut-loss is even more crucial than IQ. Actually, I am catering to turn academic and technical theories into common language or defined as 華爾街文學 by myself. So, you might see the difference of my writing from others.

If we get a chance to meet, it should be much effective to getting messages across face-to-face.
克裏斯托夫 回複 悄悄話 回複chipmonks的評論:

I am impressed by your in-depth knowledge of economics and financial market. Very solid indeed. Though a consulting prof at Stanford and venture partner at SV, I am prone to focusing on actions. My upcoming book is probably against a lot of people's conventional wisdom, by giving a bottom-fish Wall Street strategy through which China is able to streamline with the real world predominated by top financial giants, such as GS and MS. You might be interested.
克裏斯托夫 回複 悄悄話 回複clinton-2007的評論:

Three sources for where the money is created by government, taxing, borrowing by selling bond or notes and bills at home and abroad, and money printing. Yes, they could be understood as one money, namely all from your "deep pocket".

Worth to note, By using borrowing and money to rescue the crisis, Chairman Bernanke 的解釋是,“通貨膨脹稀釋了政府的債務,因此製造通貨膨脹符合政府的利益。”

That is how the government decision-makers view toward the huge money injection.
chipmonks 回複 悄悄話 回複clinton-2007的評論:
Both. 1. China and other countries keep buying Treasurys to fund the stimulus package (what do you think what happened at the G20 summit?). 2. Loose monetary policy to flood the market /w liquidity. As the case now with Fed's quantitative easing. The ultimate goal is to stimulate demand and get banks to start lending. That's why the extent of government intervention is unprecedented. Things are looking up as economic activities are picking up (lending, production, consumer spending and etc.). Most banks got money, they are just hoarding cash. Goldman Sachs, Citi, BoA all want to return the bailout money, but the government would not allow. Anyway, from all the early signs, the economy will start recovery within this year.
克裏斯托夫 回複 悄悄話 回複chipmonks的評論:

You are pretty much right when it comes to following where the smart money goes. I believe that the economic crisis this time is not cyclical but structural, so that conventional wisdom won't work in that the recession is soon over as of strong government rescue plan by injecting huge liquidity to the market and artificially drive the consuming on demand side.

My attention is paid more to how we as a whole are able to create the new purchasing power, which is not through government bond selling, taxing or money printing. If fails to do so, there is not a sign to see the recovery coming back, since the government is limited and soon to be dry out. I found no cross points between supply and new demand. I will give a hint as to how I put that way in my next blog.

Bouncing back strong from a deep down, say from 6500, the questions is how we can sustain at this level that requires for new demand of consumption. I did not see that to happen at least at this point.
clinton-2007 回複 悄悄話 回複chipmonks的評論:

chipmonks 回複 悄悄話 回複克裏斯托夫的評論:
Keep in mind that we're in the new inventory cycle as the old property cycle went busted. I don't think the economy will have high growth this time around. Besides, unemployment rate will remain high for a while as no company will do a lot of expanding. So raising interest rate should be a no-brainer to curtail inflation without hurting growth in the near future.
Like Warren Buffet said, "Investment is simple, but not easy." We just have to follow where the smart money goes. Right now, the smart money is in the market, so is mine. If the smart money leaves the market, so does mine.
chipmonks 回複 悄悄話 回複clinton-2007的評論:
One correction to your definitions: GDP should be P*Q.
MV=PQ is a theory. I don't think at any point of time they are equal. That's why Bernanke's job is so tough, but he's been doing a fantastic job.
V=PQ/M. M was increasing but is stable right now. GDP=PQ. based on the latest GDP data, it dropped 6.1% last quarter. When you read into the numbers, excluding inventories, GDP dropped by 3.4% with consumer spending rose by over 2%. As inventories got depleted and consumers are willing to spend (consumer confidence index is rising), economic activities are picking up and GDP most likely already bottomed.
As for Q, because PMI and durable goods order are going up, Q is going up too. GDP is a lagging indicator, so as we see the horrendous number, it just shows that the past was terrible. Leading indicators will tell you the worst is over.
For P, lastest CPI is -0.1%; less food and energy, it's 0.2%. So there's no inflation.
When MV increase, we'd like to see Q goes up to keep P low.
空穀回音2 回複 悄悄話 樓主,什麽時候你要是能把經濟學理論講解的通俗易懂,連俺這小學文化的人都明白,你離諾貝爾獎就不遠了。
空穀回音2 回複 悄悄話 我覺得有時對經濟的發展情景大概的預測也不一定要很高深莫測的理論。幾年前,俺聽說朋友的朋友的,,,朋友的同事,兩口子年收入不過15,6萬,卻名下擁有16,7座房產,資產近千萬;還有人貸款買房,隻付利息,期待炒房獲利。俺就知道這房地產投機太瘋狂,早晚要出事。說起來,俺比格老還先知先覺。


克裏斯托夫 回複 悄悄話 回複clinton-2007的評論:


My next view 卡爾8226;馬克思的複活 —— 科學共產主義的閃現 could partially respond to your big question as to 資本主義國家奉行的市場經濟理論是否應該修改了?
clinton-2007 回複 悄悄話 回複克裏斯托夫的評論:
clinton-2007 回複 悄悄話 回複chipmonks的評論:



克裏斯托夫 回複 悄悄話 回複chipmonks的評論:

In changing market, I am trying neither to be too rush giving definitive answers nor to stay in one place without a move. Today's good could be tomorrow's bad. Any bad reports, stern economic data underway to disclose... will encourage either way for investors to take profit or sell quick.

Inflation is my concern since the big printed money by the government has been injected to the market to create liquidity. Yes, high interest rate in future could help curtail the inflation,but it is also bad for the economic recovery if that to happen.

The challenge for economics and financial market lies in the fact that no one has crystal ball given what is happening and challenging every minutes, hours and days. A good example that you can see, Nobel laureates split for political parties, evenly 50% for republicans and 50% for democrats.
克裏斯托夫 回複 悄悄話 回複chipmonks的評論:

Traditionally defined bear market is within 20% down during 6-24 months, while at extreme and particular in short-run, it could go much deep or much quick. For instance, within 3 months since last September through Feb this year, Dow dropped over 40%, before bounced back to what is today.

You can see the market is still in such defined range except there was a strong rebound from deep 6500. It is surely a bear market protracting and prolonging.

I am not terribly bearish about the market, but trying to search for big "why". You, as a sophisticated investor, you would be much comfortable seeing the volatility when you take account the downside risk.
克裏斯托夫 回複 悄悄話 回複空穀回音2的評論:

I am not certain about the effect of the intensive government rescue plan since it is limited, short-sighted and artificial. Further, it is against the very foundation of capitalist market system and law.

Will post new articles these couple of days to touch upon how far the crisis can go and what could be reshaped next.
chipmonks 回複 悄悄話 回複clinton-2007的評論:
印鈔票不一定引起惡性通貨膨脹,隻要Fed到經濟起來時sell Treasurys來收回過多的money. 就如同現在Fed buy back Treasurys來製造liquidity.
美元獨大的局麵是不會改變的,所以經濟起來,Fed肯定raise interest rate. 惡性通貨膨脹更不會發生。
chipmonks 回複 悄悄話 樓主, 您說,"熊市(Bear market),也稱空頭市場,指行情普遍看淡延續時間相對較長的貶值大市,市場跌幅通常在20%以上,時至半年、兩年不等。" 同理,牛市應漲20%以上. 那三大指數已經漲>20%(DJ漲28%,S&P漲33%,NASDAQ漲38%), 還是熊市嗎? 世界還是很美好的, 別有事沒事嚇自己, 還連累了無辜. This is a fact:
clinton-2007 回複 悄悄話 印鈔票肯定引起通貨膨脹,中國的外匯儲備必然縮水。還必引發其它問題。奧巴馬的位子不好坐啊。
clinton-2007 回複 悄悄話 回複空穀回音2的評論:



空穀回音2 回複 悄悄話 回複clinton-2007的評論:
clinton-2007 回複 悄悄話 回複空穀回音2的評論:
空穀回音2 回複 悄悄話 30年代經濟危機的原因:人力過剩,房價虛高,股票偏離市場這些因素在這次危機中都存在。外加產業外移,巨額國債是30年代危機所沒有的,這次美國如何渡過危機,難度將比30年代更大。

克裏斯托夫 回複 悄悄話 回複空穀回音2的評論:

Thanks for feedback. You view is insightful.
空穀回音2 回複 悄悄話 世事就是這麽奇異,科技進步一方麵提高了勞動生產率,一方麵又造成了大量的失業。這也是為什麽GDP增加太快並不是什麽好事。
空穀回音2 回複 悄悄話 美國30年代的大蕭條,起因於那一時期科技進步,使勞動生產率大幅提高,造成人力過剩。財富迅速的集中在少數人手裏,消費嚴重不足。大量的資金轉移到房市和股市,泡沫逐漸增大,最後高企的價格無法繼續支撐,蹦盤下跌。市場進入了惡性循環。
