
38歲的高齡,幹嗎從軍呢?或許是想為自己開劈一條新河,還是挑戰一下已經多年朝9晚5的枯燥乏味的辦公室生涯? 我至今無從得知。

女兵劉的3月4日---忍耐是福 03、04、09

(2009-03-04 08:54:33) 下一個


昨天夜裏,或說是今天淩晨,我在作自我反省。十分的痛,我百感交集,痛哭流涕,反爾覺得非常地釋放,很 healthy,用現金流行的說法。


When Gong Li's character told the authority that all she wanted from her husband's ordeal is to " get recognised!"

That is exactly what has been going through my mind.

Yes, I could use one of my Army values, Selfless sacrifice, but Ijust cannot lie to myself that whatever happened at Fort Jackson, in Jan of 2007 didn't occur.

After the sleepless night, I came to this major decision of my life. From now on, I will be strong and confident. And Inever give up. I will stand up for myself once and for all.

I will fight all injustice that I see. I will respect and love myself, and be friend with myself, instead of running away to China or even to the Army.

No, I will be calm, focusing my precious energy and concentration on important things only.

Iwill be an exellent mother to my one and only son, Anthony. And Iwill show him love and respect in a brand new way.

And I will be successful! To bear God's true witness while Ilive every day of the rest of my life.
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