

(2009-03-24 09:29:46) 下一個
Trying new things helps clarify doubts.

Just like how I tried out the lemonade diet/master cleanse to test out whether it truly detoxicates the body, how I tested out the ass-kicking and body-confusing P30X exercise for a more effective way to be fit and lean, I want to try out the faith with God. Growing up in the communist environment, at times when people were forbidden to believe in any religion but the communist party and Chairman Mao, it’s unnerving to believe in God.

For somebody who almost could not believe anything without a proven record, I decided to record my experience with God and then I can decide whether He is there or not.

Then why name this experience as Random Walk with God?

Random Walk is a mathematical concept that has been widely applied to computer science, physics, ecology, economics and stock market. It basically describes the trace left by taking successive random steps from all possible directions.

Imagine a person, sane or crazy, happy or in pain, walking in the world. The world is realistically infinite and arranged in random orders. At every intersection, this person can choose one of the four possible routes (including the one he came from) with equal probability. One of the four is the route towards the destiny designed by God.

If a drunkard can get back to his home from a random walk, according to the scientific study, can I find that door to God’s plan? I think the answer is PROBABLY!

更多好看好玩的食物, 遊記和照片,請看 http://thecoconuthead.blogspot.com/
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