

(2010-09-25 15:21:08) 下一個

After being fed with the Ostrich steak, not sure it's that delicious to my personal taste, we definitely feel obliged to pay those big birds a visit and build some personal relationships.


Ostrich family.

A mom-Ostriches is nesting her eggs. Apparently, she got annoyed by a bunch of curious tourists like us and was walking away, the-farther-the-better-the-better type of attitude. That attitude makes me think of my dad, who always say that when mom and I got into our usual mom-daughter-arguments. :)

趨車前往,恰巧一個鴕鳥媽媽在孵蛋。她見到我們來了,一副不開心的模樣,一聲不吭地走開了。心裏一定在想,"哼,這幫討厭的遊客。"她這種走得越遠越好的態度,到讓我想起我家馬老者。每次我和我家王老太婆小吵小鬧的時候,我家馬老者就是一副敬而遠之的態度。到不是覺得我們煩人,就是不須同我們一般見識。 想起他,就覺得好笑。

Freaky Ostriches close-up #1. The tour guide asked us to touch the Ostrich eggs. "My God, it's still warm!"


Freaky Ostriches close-up #2. Then, she asked me to stand on top of those eggs. Theoretically, Ostrich eggs can hold about 150lb without being crushed. In reality, her assurance did very little to reduce my fear of breaking those eggs and destroying the little lives.


Listen to the tour guide to give the Ostrich talk. Why I feel the Ostrich is saying to me:"Hmm...I dare you could ride me today."

Freaky Ostriches close-up #3 - The neck feels warm. It's one thing to ride a cold machinery, like a car, a roller-coaster, an airplane. It's totally another thing, a very freaky thing, to ride something that's warm.

On-boarding and getting comfortable. However dangerous I looked, I was trying to tell myself "Hmm...This is not that bad. :)

不知道為什麽,在那一刻,我腦子裏所有想的就是"寶馬配金鞍,歪鍋配歪灶。"不用說,我也有自知自明,我是後者。哈, 哈。。

I was literally screaming the whole way through the ride. :)


A certificate of live-time achievement for the coconuthead - survived riding an Ostrich.


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