One of Cape Town's biggest tourist attractions, the Waterfront evokes images of the early activities of the harbour and a modern city. Much of its charm lies in the fact that this busy commercial harbour is set in the midst of a huge entertainment venue with pubs, restaurants, specialty shops, craft markets, theatres and movies.
如果在南非開普敦想要漫無目的的閑逛,V&A港口是個好去處,豪華的酒店,各色餐館酒廊,頂級的購物環境,應有盡有。遠處是南非開普敦5星級的CAPE GRACE。愜意極了。
The lego man at the V&A waterfront harbor.
If you draw a line between San Francisco and anywhere in the world, Cape Town literally is the furthest city from the bay area.