

(2013-09-17 08:33:21) 下一個

Kelly is a dreaming man. He has big plans for his farm and a lot of work has to be done. He wants to build a sauna in the back acreage of his farm and create a locally legendary gooseberry farm on the land that is now just weeds and dirt. He wants many goats and chickens in a pasture northeast of his home so that they can begin eating and de-weeding the area. And that is just his backyard. His front yard needed a lot of landscaping work and gravel needed to be moved. 


 It all seemed so grand to me and I was only going to participate in a short four week project with him to get as much done as possible. I could see the determination in his face as he explained the future of his homestead and that gave me the vision to begin working. I was ready to begin my first day of twenty eight days of hard work.


 I have already gone into much detail of my first glances of Colorado and the life there to give a setting to the reader. The bulk of my experiences I will summarize because if I were to write in rich detail everything that occurred, I would be sitting here until 2014. Amongst the things that I did were gardening, goat wrangling, fence building, pasture irrigating, rock hauling, truck driving, landscaping, gravel shoveling, posting, sewing, tailoring, cooking, exercising, exploring, canoeing, learning, speaking, talking, teaching, observing, touring, learning, growing, and changing. 


I star gazed,I drove around the countryside, I was taking in the aroma of the land untouched by machinery. The sky was untainted, a swallowing blue with the fluffiest white clouds I have ever seen. The rainy days were even more dramatic; the grey monoliths of clouds would hover in the distance, perching themselves over the dry land and releasing their much desired water. It was as if someone held a large sack of water over the land and another just took his knife through the bottom of the sack cloud. Seeing the curtain of water fall in the distance as I stood dry was probably one of the coolest things I saw.



凱 利是一個愛做夢的人。對於他的農場,他有一大堆計劃要付諸行動去實現。比如,他想在後院空地建一個桑拿浴室;還想把那塊雜草叢生的廢棄地利用起來,開辟成 傳說中的獼猴桃園;他還夢想開辟一個青草遍地的牧場,放養成群的牛羊在山坡吃草。這僅僅是他的後院計劃。對於前院,他打算設計成園林風格,這需要搬運大量 碎石。







  我仰望星空,我駕駛卡車走遍鄉野,我嗅聞泥土地散發著芳香。天空純澈,一塵不染。幽 藍洇浸,白雲鬆軟,令我難以忘懷。陰雨天氣更富有戲劇性 變化,灰色如巨石般沉重的雲層在低空回旋,幹裂的土地如饑似渴張著嘴巴,等待一場酣暢淋漓,大雨傾盆。這就好像一個人拿著一隻裝滿水的袋子兜在空中,另一 隻手用刀猛力一劃,雲層便撕裂開來。站在幹地看雨水如水簾如柱而下,真沒有比這更酷的事了。




英文翻譯中文,本人能力有限,若有不妥之處,望海涵。-- 紅花

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