

(2012-11-12 18:06:57) 下一個
This post was originally written on October 2nd, 2012.

Yesterday, out of habit I asked Liya to wash her hands after toilet, she impatiently said:"Mommy! Don't tell me to wash my hands, I know that! Just say 'I love you', that's all you need to say to me! I know everything else already!"

I was stunned.

I thought about our conversation 2 days ago, about the passing of my grandma.

I told her that my grandma died. She asked:"What happens when people die?"

I said:"That means you can't see them anymore, that their body is not on this earth anymore. But you can still hear them, feel them, and talk to them, through love."

She asked:"What if you or daddy die? Where do I find you?"

I said:"Mommy and daddy will always be with you, because we're connected by love. Love is in your heart, it's in my heart, it never goes away, it's like a magic, invisible glue. Remember, love is the most important thing."

She continued to ask:"But how does that work?"

I looked outside the window, it was raining very hard, so I said:"You just put on your favorite rain boots, and your favorite rain coat, and you ask Clara to put on hers. Then two of you walk outside and have a race in the rain. You can jump into the puddles, as much as you want. Then the rain will stop, and you will see the rainbow, then you will hear mommy and daddy, you will feel us, we'll be there to talk to you. I promise."

She got it.

She put her little hands on her chest and said:"Mommy, here is my love, I have LOTS of it. and I can feel yours too."

Then she asked me:"Do you know what happens to people without love?"

While I was still looking for the right words, she shouted:"A blob!!!" then laughed out loud.

That "blob" was from a book "Bones", it's a funny looking guy without any bones in his body, someone who can't walk, can't talk, can't do anything. It always made her giggle when we turned to that page.

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