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《綜合新聞》, 2010-03-30


北京時間330日上午消息,據國外媒體報道,由於iPad平板電腦即將於本周六正式開售,刺激蘋果股價周一再創曆史新高,市值也首次突破2100億美元。 在周一納斯達克市場常規交易中,蘋果股價報收於232.39美元,較前一交易日上漲1.49美元,漲幅為0.65%。按照當天收盤價計算,蘋果的市值達到2107.3億美元,與其主要競爭對手微軟的差距不到500億美元。 微軟股價當天報收於29.59美元,較前一交易日下跌0.07美元,跌幅為0.24%。按照當天收盤價計算,微軟市值為2596.1億美元。業內人士認為,以目前的情況來看,蘋果市值超越微軟隻是時間問題。 

   上周六有報道稱,首批iPad已經被預訂一空,現在下單的用戶隻能到412日才能夠收到這款產品。外界預計,iPad兩周的預定量已經達到 24萬部,這還不包括上市首日通過百思買店麵銷售的產品。因此,按照目前的消息來看,蘋果本周末將再度創造轟動性的新聞,而這一點也將在下周一的股價中得以反映。 

      蘋果股價的推動因素還不僅限於此。iPad最初隻麵向美國市場推出,而且首批發貨的隻是不包含3G模塊的Wi-Fi版本。今年4月底,蘋果還將麵向其他幾個市場推出iPad,並將與AT&T聯手在美國市場發布3GiPad 這將推動蘋果股價5月份繼續上漲。有消息稱,新款MacBookMac Pro將搭配最新的英特爾處理器。蘋果完全可以等到iPad對股價的推動效應減弱時再推出這兩款產品。 

      而蘋果的全球開發者大會(以下簡稱“WWDC”)也有望成為又一個推動因素。雖然蘋果尚未公布今年WWDC的日程,但按照慣例,這一會議將於6 月底舉行。蘋果屆時肯定會推出最新版iPhone。值得注意的是,蘋果今年尚未按照慣例在硬件發布之前推出新版iPhone OSSDK(軟件開發套件)iPad將運行iPhone OS 3.2,但有消息稱,蘋果正在開發iPhone 4.0。不過蘋果似乎不太可能選擇5月份發布新版SDK,因為這樣一來,在新款iPhone發布前,開發者就隻有幾周時間來適應這個開發套件。所以,iPhone 4.0SDK可能會在今年晚些時候發布。 




UPDATE: New IPhone Seen Shaking Up Players In Wireless World

 3/30/10Dow JonesBy Roger Cheng

NEW YORK (Dow Jones)--Apple Inc.'s (AAPL) upcoming iPhone, which will eventually be compatible with Verizon Wireless' network, could help the carrier take the lead in its fierce two-horse race with AT&T Inc. (T) and have a domino effect throughout the smartphone industry.

The nation's two largest carriers are neck-and-neck each quarter in nabbing the highest quality customers. But where Verizon Wireless has done it with a myriad of products and its reputation for network quality, AT&T has heavily relied upon its exclusive agreement with Apple to sell the iPhone.

But that advantage may eventually fade. Apple is building a phone that is able to run on the technology used by Verizon Wireless and Sprint Nextel Corp. (S), according to The Wall Street Journal. The common belief is that AT&T's exclusivity will eventually end, and that the other carriers may get their hands on the vaunted smartphone. Verizon Wireless is seen as a primary beneficiary.

"There is undoubtedly enormous pent-up demand for the iPhone on Verizon's superior network," said Craig Moffett, an analyst at Sanford C. Bernstein.

Moffett estimates the shift to a non-exclusive model would allow Verizon Wireless to gain up to 3.5 million more new contract customers in the first six months, while AT&T would gain 1.4 million fewer customers in the same time frame.

Verizon Wireless, jointly owned by Verizon Communications Inc. (VZ) and Vodafone Group PLC (VOD), actually took the lead in customer growth in the fourth quarter, adding 1.2 million contract customers to AT&T's 910,000.

Uncertainties remain. It's unclear how Verizon Wireless would eventually price the device because AT&T pays a hefty premium to sell the iPhone at $200. While Apple is reportedly building an iPhone for release in September, there's no guarantee it will run on Verizon Wireless this year. The device could instead be sold in China, where China Telecom Corp. Ltd. (CHA) uses the same network as Verizon Wireless.

"We wouldn't count on a Verizon iPhone for the holidays," said Bill Shope, analyst at Credit Suisse.

A Verizon Wireless spokeswoman declined to comment. Nonetheless, the news sparked Verizon shares, which were recently up 3.4% to $31.47. Vodafone's American Depositary Shares gained 1% to $23.23.

AT&T spokesman Mark Siegel said the carrier and Apple have a strong relationship, but he declined to go into the specifics.

What's clear, however, is that Apple would be the biggest winner. The company would have access to the other half of the country that used an incompatible network, and the iPhone would remain the dominant device in the industry.

An Apple spokeswoman declined to comment. Apple shares, which hit an all-time high Tuesday of $237.48, were recently up 1.5% to $235.91.

AT&T has been planning privately for the loss of the exclusivity, according to a person familiar with the company's thinking. The company has known since the beginning that the relationship would eventually change, the person said.

The loss would be a blow to AT&T. The carrier heavily relies upon the iPhone. In the last quarter, it added more new iPhone customers than net subscriber additions, implying that nearly all of its growth came from the device.

AT&T shares fell 1.9% to $26.02.

AT&T wouldn't be the only loser. Just as the iPhone has brushed aside every other smartphone in AT&T's line-up, it could do the same thing at Verizon Wireless. Struggling Palm Inc. (PALM) is the most obvious victim. Even with marketing support, the company's smartphones haven't sold well, and wouldn't fare any better with Apple's device in the mix.

Palm shares were 3.3% lower at $3.77.

Handset makers Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. (SSNHY, 005930.SE) and LG Electronics Inc. (066570.SE), which have successfully sold quick messaging phones to the carrier, could also be hurt as consumers upgrade to the iPhone. On the Korean exchange, Samsung shares slid 0.5%, and LG shares added 0.4%.

Samsung spokesman Kim Titus said the company doesn't comment on competitors.

Motorola Inc. (MOT), which sells Verizon Wireless's flagship Droid, could also struggle to create devices to match the iPhone's hype. Motorola slipped 1 cent to $7.22.

Research in Motion Ltd. (RIMM) and its Blackberry line could also be affected, but analysts believe it still has a strong position at the carrier. Its base of business clients still remains a valuable source of income for Verizon Wireless. Research in Motion shares were off 1.2% to $74.76.

A Research In Motion spokeswoman declined to comment.

Not everyone is dreading a Verizon iPhone. Qualcomm Inc. (QCOM) is a likely beneficiary because it makes the chips that go into phones compatible with that network. Qualcomm shares were up 0.7%, to $42.06.

-By Roger Cheng, Dow Jones Newswires; 212-416-2153; roger.cheng@dowjones.com

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