這個周六(12 月 5 號)要去參加晚霞的葬禮,我會在葬禮上念一下我寫給她的詩《眠歌》。晚霞的先生是美國人,來賓恐怕大部分也是老外。怕大家不知道我在念叨什麽,所以提供一個英文版本給不懂中文的人參考。就是印一疊放那兒,一麵中文,一麵英文,讓來賓隨便取閱,朗讀的話,就隻念中文的。
It is snowing in southern China
It is raining coldly in New York City
Have all the leaves turned red in Northampton yet?
My hometown
I lost the address
I lost the key
My hometown
Who hung my bicycle on the beam
My hometown
Never to return
Never to leave
Forget it
Forget it
Forget it all and you are free
Opening the Bible again and again
Listening to Hallelujah all night long
Hallelujah, hallelujah
Raising the soul to light
Glorifying, praising, honoring
On the meadow of Heaven
My eyes don’t move
I hold back the grief
Everyone has something to say
Yet the world is lonelier every day
Winter has still come
Spring waters yet again fill the Seine
Through a summer night in Venice
Your oh so familiar gaze
Lingers in the window of autumn
Seasons come,Seasons go
How many silent stages will there be?
How many everlasting stages of the journey?
How long will Earth still spin?
There’s no answer among us
You said, let’s celebrate life
Celebrate the life you once had
That unique life
That enriched life
That interesting life
Let’s follow the traditional way
Let’s pat each other’s shoulders
Now we are brothers
Brothers, bottom up and Cheers!
Brothers, sing with me in the moonlight
Brothers, walk the earth with a sword
Lick your wounds
Let’s celebrate our life
The time has come
Light a candle, a stick of incense
Let the curtain down
Singing softly
A lullaby
For you, my dear Yafei
May you rest in peace!