
廣陵曉陽 (熱門博主)
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To my family and friends

(2014-04-18 10:00:34) 下一個
To my family and friends who are going to track me during Boston Marathon:
Thank you all for prayers, encouragement, guidance, support, and love during this special marathon journey.  Regarding to my 1st Boston Marathon, my foremost goal is to enjoy this special experience, then, to re-validate my “elite” status as one of my coaches suggested:-). I cannot help but to smile when I read Coach Scott’s expectation for me (of course, he was joking). 

I haven't mastered the art of "negative splits" and had all my races with undesired positive splits, which means that I run fast at beginning and slow down late on. So, don't be excited for me if you "see" me to run fast at the beginning of Boston Marathon. By the same token, don't worry for me if you "see" me to fade late on. By God's grace, I shall finish the race within its time limit (6 hours), and hopefully qualify for Boston Marathon again (within 4 hours for my age group).


To other Boston Marathon runners:
I have been monitoring Boston weather frequently those days, but have never occurred to me to check the weather in Hopkinton, the start city/town of the marathon.   I just received the following email from one of my coaches. Hope it will serve as a reminder to you, too. Have fun and best of luck to all runners.
“……the weather for Monday looks really good for the race. HOWEVER current forecast for Hopkinton on Monday is mid-30s during the early morning, with a breeze. We will be there for 2-3 hrs before the start of the race, and we are OUTSIDE. As you know, we cannot take blankets, sleeping bags, etc. out to Hopkinton like we have in the past. You are limited mainly to the clothes that you wear, plus your race gear underneath. Dress for 30deg weather on Monday morning!! And plan to leave the extra clothes at Hopkinton when you go to the start……”
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廣陵曉陽 回複 悄悄話 謝謝晴天妹妹的鼓勵和祝福。我們昨天下午回到家,一切平安。在國內,文學城被屏蔽了,我不懂如何翻牆上文學城。後來,我才知道安娜的企鵝爸爸的iPhone有global data roaming service,可以上文學城。因此,我有機會靜心跟讀你的複活節期間意大利之行係列,被深深吸引和感動。因為我不懂到如何用“聰明手機”留言,所以,隻能閱讀,沒有發言:)))。


安娜晴天 回複 悄悄話 企鵝媽媽,你們還在國內吧,祝你們的母親們和你,母親節愉快! 快過生日了,健康如意,心想事成!
安娜晴天 回複 悄悄話 保重,為你們驕傲。祝你們在家的日子,平安快樂,愛你們!
廣陵曉陽 回複 悄悄話 謝謝樓下每一位朋友!!!今天剛從波士頓回來,明天早晨就乘飛機回國探親。欠朋友們的帖回來再補。祝春安!
廣陵曉陽 回複 悄悄話 謝謝所有關心我跑波馬的網友和弟兄姐妹們。我深深地被這座城市感動,特別是義工們。Boston Strong!

ANSHAN_G 回複 悄悄話 3:30:06, 第一時間祝賀企鵝太太完成了波馬!我一直是你的潛水粉絲,偶像的力量是無窮的!!!
Sunnydog&Thundercat 回複 悄悄話 But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint. (Isaiah 40:31 NLT)

Best of luck and enjoy every moment of the race!!!
安娜晴天 回複 悄悄話 Happy running!
bymyheart 回複 悄悄話 祝你順利跑出好成績!為你加油,為你驕傲。
亮亮媽媽 回複 悄悄話 Best wishes. Enjoy the run. You can make your goal. Cheers:-)
distanceswimmer 回複 悄悄話 Happy running!