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November 23, 2010 at 11:43 AM

Twitter becomes friend, lifeline during 9.5 hour commute from Seattle to Tacoma

Posted by Tiffany Campbell

Around mid-Beacon Hill on Southbound I-5 last night, I began to realize what a dumb idea it was to attempt to drive home.

I didn't leave in the afternoon, before dark. I didn't pack an overnight bag. And I waved off several generous offers of a place to stay before leaving the city. At 6:45 p.m., I sealed my fate by pulling onto I-5 Southbound. I wouldn't arrive home in Tacoma until 4:15 a.m.

Things started slow and steady, but after nearly two hours, my progress slowed from a roll to parked. And with hands free to start checking my Twitter and other reports, I realized I was in for it. And to clarify: my car was in park while I was tweeting.

I had a half tank of gas, two Luna bars, my iphone and a half bottle of water. These items, plus a social media lifeline, would be my only companions for the rest of the night.

This is where I realized I was actually so far left as to be crawling along on the shoulder. I was surrounded by a wall of cars, idling, while the snow kept falling.

Finally, on Twitter, I first learned from @KING5Seattle that all lanes were blocked at the bottom of Boeing Field - a jack-knifed semi, a bus, other vehicles.

People kept calling and it was difficult to explain how trapped I was. In the far left shoulder, the wall of cars was not moving. Merging and changing lanes was not an option. I was also stuck at the North end of Boeing field, in between exits (I also couldn't see the exits, being in a smaller car and blocked in by semi-trucks, SUVs, etc.)

And so I sat. And Twitter became my lifeline.

I started tweeting updates to the Twittersphere, my @seattletimes colleagues, @KING5Seattle and others who were watching the mess and aggregating tweets from other increasingly desperate souls.

Hours passed. And I mean hours. It's hard to say what the most uneventful part was, but if I had to pick, it would be the crawl from the North end of Boeing Field to about the middle.

At the 4 hour mark, things started to get interesting. People were out of their cars, knocking on windows, waving their arms in exasperation. Many of them were walking for gas - I saw two young women trundling gas back in a milk jug.

A woman in front of me for several hours finally erupted out of her car, leapt over the guardrail and into the brush, flailing deeper behind some trees, clearly to pee. I suspected she had been eyeing that for awhile. When she emerged, she was covered in snow. She was my sister.

Finally, what had been a roll became dead stops for long stretches. I was grateful for tweets from @KING5Seattle, @wsdot and others, which were keeping me updated and also made me feel like someone else was awake, nearby and watching out for me.


The tweets let me relax a bit. If things got bad, if something worse happened, I felt like I had a major lifeline out.

Meanwhile, certain tweeters were becoming famous in the I-5 Twittershpere: @paolojr a fellow Tacoma commuter, was several miles ahead of me but keeping good humor.

Check out a sampling of his feed from last night here.

Then, it started to get creepy. It was dark, the wind was blowing, I had idled through a quarter tank of gas. I was worried about running out and having to walk. There were dozens of abandoned vehicles, strewn everywhere.

Twitter reports stated that lanes were open and the end was in sight. Then more reports of accidents at the same place, medical emergencies. Twitter was at once highly accurate and also highly subjective, depending on your location.

Eventually, I started to maneuver around the the abandoned vehicles. Some had their hazards on, some were dark. They were in the left lane or the right shoulder. As I progressed, some were in the middle of the lanes. Then, disabled semi-trucks emerged out of the darkness, stopped on the side or smack in the middle of the lanes. It looked like a scene out of any apocalypse movie, where the people abandon their cars on the clogged freeways as they escape.

I was far enough behind to the original accident that I never saw a crew or police. Around 48th Avenue South, just past the exits for MLK, things began to break free. Lanes were more theoretical at this point, with people maneuvering around several semis, in the middle lanes, who had stopped and were chaining up. The road was pure, lumpy ice at this point, but we were crawling so slow, not that many people were sliding. At about 2:45 a.m. I broke through the worst of it.

I was free! Except, I still had 30 miles to go to get home to Tacoma. I had assumed that with the epic backup behind me, the freeway ahead of me would be clear. I was wrong. For another hour and 15 minutes, I drove 25 to 30 miles an hour, gripping the steering wheel, my husband on speakerphone to keep me awake and calm, as I rumbled over snow and ice on I-5. I had not seen a plow or any other official crew in over 8 hours.

At 4:15 a.m. I pulled into my driveway, more than 9 hours after I'd left work. I'd been up for 22 hours. I was grateful to be safe.




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[ 打印 ]
閱讀 ()評論 (12)
吳友明 回複 悄悄話 回複 'renscrape17' 的評論 : 是7年前,瞧我,連幼兒園算術都做錯了,看來是“返老還童”了!哈哈!謝謝,感恩節快樂。
吳友明 回複 悄悄話 回複 '清漪園' 的評論 :感恩節快樂!很感謝你的一絲不苟的評論,我發現你在文學城裏,你的留言是最認真的,而且非常客觀,尤其是幾天前看了你的一段評論,說不喜歡的博文不會去給人留言,因為別人喜歡,說得太好了。這是對人的尊重。

renscrape17 回複 悄悄話 7年前
清漪園 回複 悄悄話 讀完後忍不住要給吳兄發好人卡。吳兄仁愛,碼字將自己8年前的遭遇告知網友,讓網友們雪季開車注意安全。其實呀,隻有一個辦法,躲。美國的天氣預報一般比較準,而且媒體以惡劣天氣為他們炒作的一個噱頭,從1周前就開始叨叨天氣要變壞,天天預言雪要下多少inch,雲雲。最好就是在下雪前做好準備,給車加油,把冰箱填滿,如果是夜裏下大雪,第二天最好請假在家貓著,如果是下午傍晚下大雪,就中午提前下班。如果必須上班的父老鄉親,比如醫生護士警察消防員啥的,那隻能冰雪天上路,求各路神靈保佑了。
吳友明 回複 悄悄話 回複 '小曼兒' 的評論 : 雪城的雪比西雅圖大多了。不然就不會叫雪城,西雅圖的雨太多了,所以叫雨城。謝謝來訪,感恩節快樂!
小曼兒 回複 悄悄話 你的博文讓我回憶起當年我們在雪城住的往事,每年的感恩節都要下一尺多厚的大雪,
吳友明 回複 悄悄話 回複 '每天一講' 的評論 : 哈哈!沒有啊!這裏不能貼圖,不然的話送你一隻大火雞,玩夠了沒有,該去做義工了~
每天一講 回複 悄悄話 友明同誌,我這個值得尊重的男人特地來看你了,有什麽招待哈,哈哈
吳友明 回複 悄悄話 回複 'FayArk' 的評論 : 是啊!有錢人冬天是到南方城市過,夏天回西雅圖,有兩個固定的家多好。
FayArk 回複 悄悄話 一見城頭標題,嚇了一跳。昨晚西雅圖下大雪了?! 點擊進來,才知道是虛驚一場,八年前的事情。沒有經曆過西雅圖八年前這樣的雪。以後若有,一定不出門。再過些天,準備離開這裏幾個月,逃離雨季,嚐試候鳥生活。
吳友明 回複 悄悄話 回複 '梅華書香' 的評論 : 謝謝問候!大家節日好!西雅圖一年超過半年是雨季,年紀越大越不喜歡西雅圖,冬天要找個時間在陽光下跑步都很難。
梅華書香 回複 悄悄話 西雅圖啊,氣候可真是難以承受,我在那裏生活,估計無法生存的!多多保重,節日快樂!