


(2011-01-13 11:15:29) 下一個

據最近的Vancouver Sun 報道,FBI已結束了對加拿大的Victoria 大學的副教授Waziyatawin做的調查,是關於她在課堂上發表“恐怖主義的危脅”的言論。她是美國的first nation ,就是過去通常所稱的印第安人。她在加拿大的University of Victoria 和美國的Winona State University in Minnesota.兩個大學任教。

FBI closes file on Victoria professor

By Judith Lavoie, Postmedia News January 12, 2011

An associate professor at the University of Victoria was told Tuesday afternoon that the FBI has shut its file on her, after investigating claims that she made "terroristic threats" in a lecture at Winona State University in Minnesota.

"The FBI agent informed me he was closing the case after listening to the original presentation as it was clear I had not made the statement that a young, white male student had complained about," said Waziyatawin, who has held the UVic position of Canada Research Chair in Indigenous Peoples since June 2008.

Waziyatawin, a member of the Dakota First Nation who splits her time between Victoria and southwestern Minnesota, gave the Winona lecture in November. Comments suggesting that Dakota people might have to reclaim tribal land by any means necessary prompted a student to write to a local newspaper claiming her remarks constituted terrorism.

"That initial letter to the editor said I made a number of inflammatory comments and attributed things to me that I actually didn't say," said Waziyatawin in an interview from Minnesota. "It is really quite stunning that this one young, white male could wield this sort of power."

Kyle Loven, chief division counsel for the FBI in Minneapolis, said he cannot comment on the individual case, but the FBI will become involved if there are indications a speech advocates violence.

"In the U.S., 99.9 per cent of the time, people are free to express themselves in any way that's appropriate," he said.

"The caveat is when there's a speech inciting violence or inciting others to be violent. There's no constitutional protection for a speech of that nature."

Waziyatawin, an author and land rights activist, said this is the first time she has been investigated by the FBI, but she is used to her views making some people uncomfortable.

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