
麵對勸退:看看Hillary的 heavy weight 支持者怎麽說.

(2008-09-30 18:21:23) 下一個
(1) Former Gov. Joseph E. Kernan of Indiana.

said voters in his state were captivated by the first truly competitive presidential primary in the state since 1968 and would be disenfranchised if the race ended abruptly.

“To say that we don’t matter,” Mr. Kernan said, “is not only wrong. It’s ludicrous.”

(2) Senator Dianne Feinstein of CA :

“I think there’s a bit of brainwashing going on that Senator Clinton
should retire for the good of the party,”

“I think that’s really premature, and it’s ill conceived. She has a right to wage her candidacy and to fight until a time that she can’t recoup those votes” and catch up with Mr. Obama in the delegate fight.”

(3) Former Gov. Tom Vilsack of Iowa,

“I think we’ve become a bit too squeamish too soon in terms of our
reaction to the emotion,”

when asked about Mr. Dean’s criticism about tone.

“I thinkDemocrats appreciate the fact that this will be a difficult race. Whoever the nominee is against John McCain, I, for one, want my nominee to be battletested and a warrior going into the fall election.”

(4) Gov. Edward G. Rendell of Pennsylvania,

called Mr. Leahy’s remarks outrageous.

“Just flip it for a second,” Mr. Rendell said. “Let’s say Senator
Clinton was ahead by about 110 delegates and ahead by less than 1 percent of
the vote cast, and she and her supporters started to call on Senator Obama
to get out. Just picture what the media would be saying. They’d be saying
you’re being racist, you’re being everything in the world. It’s nuts! It
’s nuts!”

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