If it is the latest news, Pelosi擺明了是要幫教主了.
(2008-09-30 18:21:23)
I havn't check if this is the latest news, but if it is,
不知道Pelosi不停地發聲、瘋狂地支持奧巴馬, WHY?
by gcdzs (Why not), Mar 15 20:23:40 2008
In her interview, Pelosi also said that even if one candidate winds up with a larger share of the popular vote than the delegate leader, the candidate who has more delegates should prevail.
現在她也知道希拉裏很有可能在Popular Vote上麵反超了,真是夠無恥的,一方麵說要SD聽從人民的呼聲,一方麵說製度是決定誰的Delegates多就贏,原來SD不是定好的製度了?
現在希拉裏要做的就是achieve impossible, 在剩下的州裏麵(大概還有900個
Pledged Delegates)裏麵反超,給這個Bitch一個大耳光。