

(2008-11-12 00:28:20) 下一個
1. go to any online brokerage to open an account which can be done in3o minutes. Popular ones are www.etrade.com www.ameritrade.comwww.optionxexpress.com www.scorttrade.com etc.. There is a bitdifference in terms of commissions but you get what you paid for.Virtually, they are same.
2. transfer money to fuel your account. There is almost no minimalrequirement . You can directly transfer money between your brokerageaccount and your bank.

Then you can start to trade. Setting up an account is fairly easy.However, to win in stock market is not easy. You should get familiarwith the very basics before you get into market. As a very minimum, youshould read a few good books. Trade small to digest what you think andwhat you read from books.

If you are very aggressive and you believe you are brilliant, you cannot miss the opportunity of option trading. Option allows you to profitboth ways – up and down in good leverage which all RE people know. Itis just too smart and flexible to be ignored. Option prices themagnitude of your confidence. In other words, the more confident youare with a stock, the more you can profit which is fair.

The common things between RE and stock:
1. rule of supply and demand.
2. rule of human psychology
3. rule of time value

the major differences are:
1. RE goes up quickly but goes down slowly. Stock both goes up and downquickly, and in many cases, it goes up slowly and goes down sharply.
2. smart people can make $$$ from stock no matter it is up or it is down because of the magic of option which RE does not have.
3. stock still has rules to follow. Usually a trend won’t disappear in1 day. It usually continues in 2-3 waves. If you miss the first one,you are smart and normal. If you miss the 2nd one, you are so stupid.If you do not get out in the 4th one if any, you are really reallystupid and deserve what you get.
4. In RE, you compete with yourself. In stock, you compete with so many smart or normal people who have opposite interests.

Too many…


1. stock is more exciting. Smart people trade stock when a trend isclear and get out when a tread is too clear. Speculation is not blamedin this game. RE is a better investment for patient people.
2. there are so many stocks to select. You just need a computer andhigh speed internet access to do the job. No any other hassle.
3. stock market reflects any significant change in reality. If you know something, you can make $$$.
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