(2008-01-20 13:55:56)
Inspiring and inspired. 接受你不能改變的,改變你能改變的.
My second child has multiple food allergies with severe skin problems. He is allergic to all wheat, dairy, egg products, also very allergic to peanuts, tomatos, and dust mites. Both I and my husband are healthy and his brother.
When he's just been diagnosed, I felt like being totally defeated and felt extremly sorry for him. But 4 years gone by (he is four now), I leanrt to make food to suit his diet, and also learnt there is no use to feel sorry for him, he doesn't need anybody's sympathy, what he can eat is part of who he is. the change happened when I slowly realized that there was no need to cry on the food he can not have, think positive there are still so many kinds of food he can have. the change of my attitude has also helped him to be a happier child, he doesn't cry anymore when there is a birthday cake he can't have, he doesn't feel sorry for himself anymore when there is a kind of lolly or chippy he can't have, he knows his mom has filled his lunch box with what he can have.
Now he is four, his allergies are still here, but his eczema is very much under control and he is very clear of what he can eat and can not eat, he declines food offerred to him politely by saying, No thank you, I have allergies. How cool is that.
also thanks for your kind comment on my post :-)