
為孩子和LG做飯, 心裏喜歡他們吃飯的樣子...

情人節的花, 老二的'Compliment Chain'

(2011-02-14 19:28:33) 下一個

情人節的花: LG送的花, 一朵紅玫瑰給LP, 一朵給小女兒,一朵給大女兒.
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老二的" Compliment Chain ", what a good idea! 從學校帶回來的。 班上每個孩子都給每一位同學寫一句讚揚的話, 很甜美, 很純真。我們大人也是不是該向孩子們學學, 夫妻之間, 父母與孩子之間, 同事之間, 多看別人的長處, 多一些讚揚的話語?
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“Ellen, you are so good at drawing on your white board”.

“You are fun to talk about video games and afv (American’s funniest video)”.

“I think you are good at science”.

“Dear Ellen, you are a good drawer because I see them all over the classroom”.

“Ellen, I love it when you make your funny shrieks and screams”.

“Dear Ellen, you are a good artist drawing art”.

“You are so funny when you say jokes and draw funny stuff”.

“Ellen, you are good drawer especially when you draw things for the A+ magazine”.

“Ellen, thank you for being nice to me”.

“Thank you for puglee, you are a great artist!”

“You are so funny, nice when you call everyone doctor in a weird voice!”

“Happy Valentine’s Day”.

“Ellen, you are a very passionate reader, Mrs. Bodet”.

“You have a good sense of humor, because you tell good jokes”.

“Ellen, thank you for your willingness to be silly with us and for pushing yourself academically! Mr. Williams”

“Ellen, you are a very good drawer”.

“Ellen, you played really nicely in the string ensemble performance”.

“Good at drawing… Anything!”

“You are good at making observations in science”.

“You are a good drawer”.

“Ellen, you are a great friend to everyone”.

“You are really good at witzle pro, you’re speedy”.

“You are good at geography because you won runner up”.

“I like how you make funny jokes”.

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閱讀 ()評論 (4)
安娜晴天 回複 悄悄話 一家人都這麽可愛可親, 愛你們, 真誠地祝福你們!
心怡廚房 回複 悄悄話 回複freshview的評論:謝謝月兒。 孩子們真的很可愛, 樸實, 大方, 真誠地為朋友自豪.
freshview 回複 悄悄話 多美好的節日啊!
I am proud of Ellen!