老大上高三後學習樂隊很忙,全家都圍著她轉。春假我專門安排了一天單獨和老二在一起, 白天母女倆去了科學博物館, 乘地鐵,去餐館吃的早飯和中飯, 玩得很開心。想著老二要求烤LEMONSQUARES很多次,不是原料不齊就是沒時間配她。平時老大烤甜食老二也隻能打下手,可憐兮兮的。旁晚回家的路上我有意問老二: "媽媽想吃 LEMON SQUARES得很, 你想不想啊?" "Of course, can we make it tonight?" "Do you know how to make it? I don't." "We can google it".做法是老二自己從google上搜出來的,打印出來。 我們一起又去超市買來原料, 回家後我給老二打下手, 母女倆就照著單子做了起來。
LEMON SQUARES (from cooks.com)
1 cup all purpose flour
1 pkg True Lemon (optional) (沒有用這個)
1/2 cup unsalted butter
1/4 cup confectioners sugar
2 eggs, room temperature
1 cup sugar
1 teaspoon baking powder
3 tablespoons fresh lemon juice and grated rind
Preheat oven to 350F. Combine flour, (True Lemon, if using), butter and confectioners sugar until they have the consistency of cornmeal. Press the mixture evenly into the bottom of an un-greased 8 inch square baking pan. Bake at 350F for 20 minutes, or until lightly golden.
While the crust is baking, beat eggs, gradually adding sugar until lemony colored. Add lemon juice, baking powder and the finely grated lemon rind, mixing well. When crust is done, remove from oven; pour lemon mixture over it evenly and return it to the oven. Continue to bake for another 25 minutes or longer - when your finger makes no imprint, it's done.
The lemon squares must set. Allow to cool completely before cutting. While still in the pan, cut into 16 squares. Refrigerate before serving. Submitted
by: CM

等不及完全涼下來就切開, 像模像樣的。 味道真的很好, 檸檬味很濃!

爸爸媽媽姐姐都直誇妹妹烤得好, 好吃。 小人兒自豪得吃了一塊又一塊。
