
為 天 地 立 心 , 為 生 民 立 命 ; 為 往 聖 繼 絕 學 , 為 萬 世 開 太 平 !

Love story

(2008-11-03 19:57:03) 下一個
Love story - Andy Williams

Love Story is a 1970 romantic drama film written by Erich Segal coordinated with his 1970 best-selling novel. It was directed by Arthur Hiller. The film, well-known as a tear-jerking tragedy, is considered one of the most romantic of all time by the American Film Institute , and was followed by a sequel, Oliver's Story in 1978. Love Story starred Ali MacGraw and Ryan O'Neal and also marked the film debut of a then-unknown Tommy Lee Jones, who played a minor role in the film.

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