
世界衛生組織陳總幹事審慎地談H1N1流感及免疫針 (最近的報道)

(2009-10-25 19:25:46) 下一個

Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO) Margaret Chan attends a news conference of the 2009 Prince of Asturias Award in Oviedo, Spain, Oct. 22, 2009. The World Health Organization will be awarded the 2009 Prince of Asturias Award for International Cooperation on Friday in Oviedo.

Chan will receive Spain\'s prestigious Prince of Asturias Prize for International Cooperation to honor the WHO\'s achievements on Friday.

Chan said A/H1N1 flu was the first pandemic in the 21st century. Because its course was unpredictable, it was necessary to remain vigilant in the coming 12 months. (陳說: A/H1N1流感是21世紀第一場流行病. 由於其流行過程未能預測, 未來12個月裏必須保持高度警惕.)

According to Chan, despite the moderate A/H1N1 flu risk, its virus had already affected 195 countries around the world, and its evolution continued.

Chan also warned that the A/H1N1 virus could represent higher risks for some, such as pregnant women and children under five years old, because it may cause pneumonia that is difficult to treat. (陳總幹事告誡說: A/H1N1 病毒對孕婦和五歲以下小孩具有高度風險, 因為此病毒引起的肺炎很難醫治.)

She also said the vaccines against A/H1N1 flu in the market had passed a meticulous process of certification, however, they had collateral effects similar to those of the seasonal flu, with symptoms like high fever or muscle pain. (她還說: 進入市場的抗A/H1N1流感的疫苗已經通過仔細的論證過程; 這些疫苗所具有的伴隨的(附屬的)作用就像那些季節性流感的疫苗, 表現的症狀為發高燒或肌肉疼痛.)

Chan said people planning to get the vaccine must consider the pros-and-cons before getting it. Still, she suggested that the infection risk for pregnant women was higher compared to the collateral effects that could occur with the vaccination. (陳講到: 準備接種疫苗的人們事先必須考慮好其正麵和反麵(積極或消極)的因素. 她仍建議說:對孕婦來說(A/H1N1流感的)感染造成的風險過去是比打免疫針所帶來的附屬作用要高)

來源: http://www.listown.com

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