

不食人間煙火 vs 不識人間疾苦

(2024-01-17 14:16:49) 下一個

《晉書·惠帝紀》記載有一年發生饑荒,許多百姓因此活活餓死。消息被報到了皇宮中,晉惠帝聽完奏報後,大為不解。問手下:“百姓無粟米充饑,何不食肉糜?” 此乃君王不食人間煙火。





The "Annals of Emperor Hui" in the Book of Jin records a year of famine where many common people perished from hunger. When the news reached the imperial palace, Emperor Hui of Jin, after hearing the report, was greatly puzzled. He asked his subordinates, "If the people have no grain to ward off hunger, why not consume minced meat?" This is an example of a ruler who is detached from the common concerns of the people.

I used to think that Trudeau is the same as Emperor Jin Hui Di: born in an elite class, heirs to official positions, having never engaged in any respectable full-time work, never earned money, yet never worried about how to spend it. However, nearly a decade in office has truly made me understand that worse than not partaking in the common struggles of life is not recognizing the hardships of the people.

Canada is currently undergoing inflation unprecedented in nearly a century, with the rate at which the standard of living is declining leaving one astounded. However, our esteemed Prime Minister chooses to ignore the hardships of the people, showing no willingness to lower his own requirements for the standard of living or to forgo luxurious experiences. At a time when numerous Canadian families are faced with the difficult choice between food and heating, he took his entire family to Jamaica for Christmas vacation.

During the post-pandemic period, countries around the world are implementing various policies to stimulate economic development, increase employment, and raise people's incomes. However, our Prime Minister is continually raising taxes (carbon tax, disguised personal income tax), extracting the essence from the people to benefit himself, his family, friends, and political party. Do you think the Prime Minister is unaware of the current situation of the Canadian people? He is fundamentally indifferent, indifferent to the life and death of the people, solely focused on self-interest.

Not partaking in the common struggles of life is naive and foolish, while not recognizing the hardships of the people reflects a problem in the moral and ethical values of a leader. The actions of the potato serve as a clear proof of the inherent evil in his human nature.


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