
Susan Sontag

(2007-12-21 10:03:23) 下一個

The first time I saw her photo & name was a year ago at Annie Leibovitz's exhibition. From there I knew her as a writer who has long term romantic relationship with Annie. About month ago I saw her name again from this forum. Susan's essays collection "Against Interpretation" was recommended by Miss WoBu. It triggered me to borrow the book before a vacation. When I read the book, my husband teased me "Since when you are interested in lesbian writer".

So far I read couple of the essays in the book. I have to say I agree with Susan's view regarding art: The form / style of art is as important as the content of art. An art work in a impersonal eyes will reveal more dynamic meaning and stirring people's mind. When people use moral value to judge an art work, it missed half of the value. When I grow up in China, teach always ask us to write reading summary with conclusion: this story tells us "so and so" moral value. Look deeply into the thinking process when I was young, I have to say those kind of framed training limited my imagination & creativity.

When I read Susan's essays, a name jumped into my mind -- Krzysztof Kieslowski. He is one of my favorite movie director. His most famous movie series is "Three Colors: red, white blue" . I like the most is called "Decalogue". In his movie, rational and irrational, right and wrong all intertwined. He gave audience more space to contemplate. To me, that's the high end art.

---------------------- Google translation:

我第一次看到她的照片和名字,是一年前在安妮leibovitz的展覽。從那我知道她是作為一個作家,他與安妮有長期的浪漫關係. 大約一個月前,從這個論壇我再看到她的名字。由wobu小姐建議蘇珊的散文集"反對解釋" 。它引發了我在休假之前借這本書。當我讀到這本書,我的丈夫譏諷我" 你有興趣女同性戀作家?" 。

到目前為止,我看過她的兩本散文。我必須說我同意與蘇珊的觀點,關於藝術形式/藝術風格是一樣重要內容的藝術作品。一種藝術在客觀的眼睛中,將揭示更多地動態的含義和攪拌人們的頭腦。當人們用道德的價值判斷一種藝術工作,錯過了一半的價值。當我在中國,教授總是要求我們寫閱讀摘要與結論:這個故事告訴我們, "等等.."的道德價值。深入探討我年輕的時候思想的過程,我必須說,那種培訓有限我的想象力與創造力。

當我看到蘇珊的散文,一個名字跳進我的心-斯坦尼斯基耶斯洛夫斯基。他是我最喜歡的電影導演。他最著名的電影係列"三種顏色:紅,白,藍" 。我最喜歡是"十誡" 。在他的電影的,理性的和非理性的,正確和錯誤都交織在一起。他給觀眾更多的空間來沉思。對我而言,這的高端藝術品。
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