
靠你有力量,心中想往錫安大道的,這人便為有福! 他們經過流淚穀,叫這穀變為泉源 之地;並有秋雨之福蓋滿了全穀 。

Appeal for support and prayer for Sichuan Earthquake

(2008-05-19 11:55:13) 下一個
I believe you all heard about the news of the Sichuan Earthquake in China this Monday.  Now, seven days after the quake, the massive resuce work is still going on, but the extent of the disaster is still growing.
It  has been confirmed that more than 34,000 died and estimated that number could raise up to 50,000.  5 million of people have been left homeless.   10 million are directly affected by the earthquake,  which mean in their direct family, there are people died, injured, or lost their home.   No country can handle this degree of disaster by their own, less mention a developing country like China. Those who survived the earthquke is in urgent need of medicine, food, clean water and place to stay.  Chinese people and the government made great efforts in saving the lives and helping the refugees, but much help needed.
Bible command us:
 "to share your food with the hungry, and to provide the poor wanderer with shelter,  when you see the naked, to clothe him,  and not to turn away from your own flesh and blood"  Isaiah 58:7-8
Are you willing to help? Canadian government is willing to help, by matching up personal donations to government recognized charity organizations desiganted to China Earthquake relief or Myanmar cyclone relief.  Therefore, if  you donate $50 to organizations like  World Vision, you gift can bring $100 urgent needed relief to suffering people inSichuan through the match up fund from the Canadian goverment. 
I personally donated to World Vision.  This is one of Christian Charity organization well known and trusted by many.  They set up a specail Sichuan Earthquake Relief project, and  they already have team working in China. And their focus is the vulnerable children. http://www.worldvision.ca/give-a-gift/Pages/MajorEarthquakeRocksChina.aspx
Any gift above $15.00 will receive a text deductible receipt. The loss is immeasurable, but if everyone offers help, the mission of relief and rebuild is possible.  Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Eeven you are not able to contribute finicially now, can I invite you to join me to seek God's mercy for those who are suffering?
 Please pray those who are still burried under the rubble will be saved.
Pray those who injured will be treated.
Pray those who survived earthquake will have a place to live,  clean water and food to survive
Pray there will be not major epidemic diaseas spread after the earthquake.
Pray those who lost their loved one's will be comforted.
Can you pray for China as a nation, that this disaster will be a turning point for us, and that in our misery we will earnestly seek God? And then we know God will heal us when we return to Him and seek His face, as
 Hosea 6: "  He has torn us to pieces, but he will heal us; he has injured us, but he will bind up our wounds.  After two days he will revive us; on the third day he will restore us, that we may live in his presence.  Let us acknowledge the LORD;  let us press on to acknowledge him.  As surely as the sun rises, he will appear;  he will come to us like the winter rains,  like the spring rains that water the earth."
You prayer and support will be greatly appreciated by every Chinese people
Thank you and blessings
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