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前文“哲學無窮大與數學無窮大”【[1]】中提到在academia.edu的GM Jackson的一篇試圖將康托關於無窮大的錯誤理論合理化的題為“Why Different Infinities Are Really Equal” 的文章的討論中,我指出在哲學上無窮大是一個標誌著大於任何一個數的概念,而在數學上無窮大則是基於哲學的無窮大概念的度量,而不同背景條件下的數學無窮大的度量意義是不同的,因此數學上的無窮是不會如Jackson他所要證明的那樣相同的。



從小我們都應該在學校裏學到n/0 是不存在的, 也就是說. n/0 不是一個數。類似地,n/0 = ∞是不ok的, 而當x → 0 時lim n/x = ∞ or y 是ok的。這是因為∞大於任何一個數,因此它本身就不是一個數。相應地,對於數值進行的運算就不宜用於∞。也就是說:

n × ∞ = ∞ 不ok 而 lim n × u = ∞ 當 u → ∞ 時 ok。

n + ∞ = ∞ 不ok 而lim n + u = ∞當u → ∞ 時 ok。

n / ∞ = 0  不ok 而lim n / u = 0, m, 或 ∞ 當u → ∞時 ok。

∞ + ∞ = ∞不ok 而lim n + u = ∞ 當n → ∞ 和u → ∞時 ok。

∞ × ∞ = ∞不ok 而lim n × u = ∞ 當n → ∞ 和u → ∞時 ok。

∞ / ∞ = M  不ok 而lim n / u = 0, m, 或 ∞ 當n → ∞ 和u → ∞時 ok。


人們可以任意定義他們自己想要的形式係統。比如,他們可以定義∞+ ∞= ∞, ∞ × ∞ = ∞, ∞ - ∞ = M, n × ∞ = ∞, n + ∞ = ∞, 等等。但是,當他們這麽做的時候,他們已經製造出了一個與具有“大於任意一個數”的哲學意義的∞相矛盾的特殊的∞。。。也就是說,他們製造了他們自己的一套遊戲體係而已。




比如,人們常把tan(π/2) = 1/0 寫成∞,但是實際上,tan(π/2)與tan(π/2-ε)在幾何意義上有著本質的區別,因為在一個直角三角形內,當一個銳角增大到π/2時,那個三角形就不複存在了。所以tan(π/2) = ∞ 就相當於人們用來記錄一個並不存在的內角的正切值的速記符號,一個用來表示當ε趨於0的時候,tan(π/2-ε)  之極限值的速記符號而已。



Jackson在回應我的上述論述時說【Real numbers require that there be an infinite number of numbers between, say, 0 and 1.  It's tough to have a concept of real numbers without evoking infinity. 】

我對此回複說:當你說實數要求0和1之間有無窮多個數的時候,我猜在你的潛意識中那個無窮大就是“大於任何一個數”的哲學概念,這是沒有問題的。。。。但是,當你打算將∞ + ∞ = ∞應用於實數時,你的∞就不再是那個單純的古老的∞概念了,你步入了一個具體的度量係統,在那裏你將與常識或自伯努利和洛必達以來人們已經知道了數百年的知識發生衝突。比如,你會象康托一樣地聲稱一個正方形的一邊上的點與整個正方形上的點的數目完全一樣,那不但是錯的,而且是荒誕的。



空間中含有無限多個幾何點的概念是基於幾何點沒有體積這一概念構建的,而這一概念曾給芝諾和亞裏士多德造成麻煩,甚至在牛頓通過微積分解決了與所謂零體積幾何點和無限多個點相關的問題後,黑格爾和羅素(他同時也是一位專業的數學家)還在相關的問題上跌跤。 這裏的“零體積幾何點”是一個由人類想象力構造出來的抽象概念,這個抽象概念具有自身的矛盾性......如果一個點沒有體積,它不應該占據空間,但如果它不占據空間,無論沿著哪個方向堆疊多少個它都不會積累。



Jackson對我上麵的這個評論回應到:【Ron, I don't disagree. But I wonder how many zeros it would take to make 5? How about 5/0 zeros? Where 0 * 5/0 = 5.】















Rongqing Dai
12 days ago

It is supposed to be a basic from grade school that n/0 does not exist, i.e. n/0 is NOT a number.

Similarly, n/0 = ∞ is not ok while lim n/x = ∞ or y when x → 0 is okay.

This is because ∞ is a notion of “greater than any number” and thus is NOT a number itself.

Accordingly, any arithmetic operations cannot be applied to ∞, which means:

n × ∞ = ∞ is not okay while lim n × u = ∞ when u → ∞ is okay

n + ∞ = ∞ is not okay while lim n + u = ∞ when u → ∞ is okay

n / ∞ = 0 is not okay while lim n / u = 0, m, or ∞ when u → ∞ is okay

∞ + ∞ = ∞ is not okay while lim n + u = ∞ when n → ∞ and u → ∞ is okay

 ∞ × ∞ = ∞ is not okay while lim n × u = ∞ when n → ∞ and u → ∞ is okay

∞ / ∞ = anything is not okay while lim n / u = 0, m, or ∞ when n → ∞ and u → ∞ is okay


1) n/0 is not a number;

2) ∞ is not a number….it is a notion of “greater than any number”….this notion cannot be counted or calculated like a number.

Cheers, Ron


David Peralta
12 days ago

We can compare infinity with cardinal and intercardinal points. We could, for instance, move towards the northeast indefinitely, but we would never arrive at a place called the northeast. And, if we are naive enough to believe in the existence of such a place, we just need to imagine ourselves being there to realize that, even from there, we could keep moving towards the northeast. And, if we keep moving in that direction forever, we would be going in circles, getting closer and closer to the north pole, but never getting there or at the northeast point.


T. Clark
12 days ago

David this is true, but is the definition of the finite only rational in light of the irrationality of the actual infinite? The concepts are interdependent. Thus both are real in that sence. The finite expressions depend conceptually on the transcendent for intelligibility.

We cannot navigate 3d visual reality without the vanishing point. So the vanishing point although absurd in one sence is necessary and real.

Actual infinity is an irrational real object and we as fininte can never arrive but are dependent on the aim.

Cantor agreed with this and conceptualised mathematical ways, sets to bound the actual into intelligibility and mathematical expression. The symbol for Pi is a visual set that contains the actual infinite real numbers. We are also forced by this reality to say the verbal word "Pi", within that verbal set contains the infinity of digits. Imagine if I had to verbally express the digits of Pi instead of saying "Pi". I would stand muttering digits until I died. This is absurd but true.

Cantors impulse was an exploration into what we do with language and symbols implicitly. And in my estimation proves the Actual as a necessary irrational yet real thing.

What do you think about that?


David Peralta
12 days ago

T Clark.

I'm sorry. I think all that is nonsense. We don't need actual infinity to understand infinity (potential infinity, as named by Aristotle). It seems that you an I understand irrational numbers in a different way.


GM Jackson
12 days ago

Ron, thanks for your comment. 


"It is supposed to be a basic from grade school that n/0 does not exist, i.e. n/0 is NOT a number."


Yes, I learned that too, but I now believe it is OK to divide by zero, since that is the only way you can reach absolute infinity. 


"Similarly, n/0 = ∞ is not ok while lim n/x = ∞ or y when x → 0 is okay."


Yes, I agree, but if x has an absolute value greater than zero, then n/x doesn't equal infinity--just a finite number that tends to infinity. 


"This is because ∞ is a notion of “greater than any number” and thus is NOT a number itself."


Actually infinity is a number.  Here is the definition:

"a number greater than any assignable quantity or countable number (symbol ∞)."--Google search. 


"Accordingly, any arithmetic operations cannot be applied to ∞, which means:

n × ∞ = ∞ is not okay while lim n × u = ∞ when u → ∞ is okay

n + ∞ = ∞ is not okay while lim n + u = ∞ when u → ∞ is okay

n / ∞ = 0 is not okay while lim n / u = 0, m, or ∞ when u → ∞ is okay

∞ + ∞ = ∞ is not okay while lim n + u = ∞ when n → ∞ and u → ∞ is okay

∞ × ∞ = ∞ is not okay while lim n × u = ∞ when n → ∞ and u → ∞ is okay

∞ / ∞ = anything is not okay while lim n / u = 0, m, or ∞ when n → ∞ and u → ∞ is okay"


True, but that doesn't stop mathematicians from trying to do operations with infinity.  See Ramanujan, Cantor, etc. 



"1) n/0 is not a number;"


Technically it is a number, but the number is undefined.   


"2) ∞ is not a number….it is a notion of “greater than any number”….this notion cannot be counted or calculated like a number."


Infinity  is a number, but it is not finite, so it does not behave like finite numbers when operations are performed with it.


Rongqing Dai
12 days ago

Well, people can define any formal system they want.....for example, they might define ∞ + ∞ = ∞, ∞ × ∞ = ∞, ∞ - ∞ = something, n × ∞ = ∞, n + ∞ = ∞, etc.....However, by doing this they have created an ∞ that is in conflict with the basic notion of ∞ for "greater than any number".....they just created a game system for themselves......


Can they put that system in practical use?


Sometimes they can as long as it does not cause logical trouble.....just like anyone can have his own shorthand system but not necessarily everyone else could recognize all the contents he put on paper for fast recording (Chinese people might appreciate this more than English people because Chinese shorthand writing of some people could really go wild)......


Therefore, when people do use their own formal system for ∞ in real life they need to bear in mind that there are cracks between their system and the reality and their feet might be stuck in the cracks sometimes.....


For example.....tan(π/2) = 1/0 is often written as  ∞, but the geometrical meaning of tan(π/2) is fundamentally different from the geometrical meaning of tan(π/2-ε) because  within a right triangle, when an acute angle increase to π/2, the triangle would no longer exist.....so the tan(π/2) = ∞ is just a shorthand for taking note of the tangent of a nonexistent internal angle of the right triangle, or a shorthand for noting the limit of tan(π/2-ε)  when ε goes to zero.


All the above content is much more philosophical than mathematical.....nonetheless it is not less real because it is more philosophical than mathematical.....contrarily, it just exposes the shortcoming in mathematical system and it tells that mathematics cannot completely be independent of philosophy!





David Peralta
12 days ago

GM Jackson,

In mathematics we do not use Google definitions. We define objects by their properties, and those properties can be accepted only if they do not create contradictions. You can believe in whatever you want but in mathematics we are either right, if our statements do not produced contradictions, or wrong, if they do. Mathematics need to be consistent and coherent. This is not about believes and dictionaries but about rigor and proofs.

Thanks for inviting me to this discussion.


GM Jackson
11 days ago

Ron, thanks for your last comment.  You wrote:


"Can they put that system in practical use?"


The only practical use I can think of is the idea of infinite precision and real numbers.  Infinite precision is a worthy goal but probably can never be achieved.  Real numbers require that there be an infinite number of numbers between, say, 0 and 1.  It's tough to have a concept of real numbers without evoking infinity.  Infinity does not behave like finite numbers when operations are performed on it, but I don't consider that a contradiction.  It would only be a contradiction if infinity and finite are defined the same way.


Robert Alps
10 days ago

David Peralta: Could you please tell me what book cites 400 people who question Cantor's arguments? I would like to see this book. Thank you.


Rongqing Dai
8 days ago

GM Jackson,


When you say 【Real numbers require that there be an infinite number of numbers between, say, 0 and 1.  It's tough to have a concept of real numbers without evoking infinity. 】, subconsciously I guess you were referring to  ∞ as a notion of "bigger than any number" which is consistent with the ancient knowledge since thousands of years ago......


However, if you intend to apply ∞ + ∞ = ∞ to real numbers then you are no longer in the realm of the ancient notion of ∞, but rather getting into a counting scheme of numbers, where you will get into logical contradiction with basic commonsense or the knowledge that people have been knowing since Bernoulli and L'Hôpital for centuries.....for example, you will conclude like Cantor did that the number of points on a side line of a square are the same as the number of points on the square itself, which is not only wrong but also absurd.





GM Jackson
8 days ago

David, you wrote ...


"In mathematics we do not use Google definitions."


After Googling the definition more than once I find there are two camps: those who define infinity as a number and those who don't.  At this point in time I believe infinity is an absolute value greater than any number I can imagine.  This belief is based on X = lim h --> 0   n/h, where h is taken all the way to the limit of zero.  n/0 is an undefined number that must have an absolute value greater than any value imagined.  It is undefined because no one can pin down that absolute value. 


"We define objects by their properties, and those properties can be accepted only if they do not create contradictions."


But humans can be walking contradictions and are also considered objects. 


" You can believe in whatever you want but in mathematics we are either right, if our statements do not produced contradictions, or wrong, if they do."


The word "contradiction" needs to be defined as well.  If a statement is consistent with the nature of infinity, then there is no contradiction.  For example, if I claim that infinity behaves like a finite number and then write infinity + 1 =  infinity, that is a contradiction.  But if I claim infinity does not behave like a finite number, then there is no contradiction. 


"Mathematics need to be consistent and coherent."


But your math won't be if you don't keep your definitions straight and true.  Your error is you assume the infinite and the finite should all be the same and behave the same way.  That's the contradiction. 


"This is not about believes and dictionaries but about rigor and proofs."


Rigor and proof have no value without dictionaries that contain the agreed upon terminology used in proofs.  Further, you can't prove that infinity is or is not a number.  It depends on how it is defined, and definitions are subjective agreements within communities, so members of  a community can communicate effectively.  There is no golden tablet I'm aware of that lays out definitions of words. 


"Thanks for inviting me to this discussion."


Thanks for participating.


Rongqing Dai
1 day ago

One tricky issue concerning infinity is the so-called infinite number of points in space which is also corresponding to the infinitely many real numbers through Descartes mapping.


The notion of infinite number of points in space is constructed on the notion of point without volume which is a notion that has stumbled Zeno, Aristotle, and even Hegel and Russell (who happened to be also a professional mathematician) after Newton resolved the issues related to zero volume points and the infinitely many points with calculus that is constructed on top of the notion of infinitely approaching the limit.


Here the zero volume point is an abstract notion that is constructed by human imagination and causes logical contradiction........if a point has no volume, it should not occupy space, but if it does not occupy space, it should not accumulate no matter how many you pile them up along one direction.....


This is where philosophy comes to play in a realistic way: the purpose of using human imagination is not to ruin human reflection of nature but to aid human better perceive nature.


Obviously, the self-contradictory notion of zero volume point would cause logical blunder if you extend it into the counting scheme to make ∞ + ∞ = ∞ valid, therefore you should not do it even though there is no biological or psychological law to prevent you from doing so when you make the imagination.....


Happy Thanksgiving,


GM Jackson
22 hrs ago

Ron, I don't disagree. But I wonder how many zeros it would take to make 5?  How about 5/0 zeros? Where 0 * 5/0 = 5.


Rongqing Dai
21 hrs ago

Well, no matter how many zeros, they won't make 5.....That is the point.....Hegel stumbled when he tried to prove how nothing could become something.....he needs calculus....but calculus is a special math language that cannot be expressed using natural language without the notion of infinitely approaching......Hegel tried very hard, but I don't think he made it very clear with natural language......


Russell stumbled on the issue again when he tried to use set theory to express the instant moment of time......there he encountered what you are encountering here: set theory cannot be used to express calculus because itself lacks the notion of infinitely approaching.....


Numbers came from counting thousands years ago.....but number system does not contain the tool of Newton's calculus.......Now, people like you or others here who are professional mathematicians specialized in number theory might not like this philosophical insight.....


However, philosophically I have to say this: you have to accept the defect in human counting system!


Obviously, as a mathematician specialized in set theory, Russell did not realize this defect of human counting system,....then as a Nobel laureate for his contribution in philosophy he FAILED to know what the real cause was for his failure of expressing the instant moment issue with set theory....







【[2]】戴榕菁 (2017)黑格爾本體論的邏輯缺陷

【[3]】戴榕菁 (2015)關於羅素時間定義的補充討論

[[4]]Dai, R. (2022). Solution to Hilbert First Problem against the Illusion of Cantorian Cardinal System. Retrieved from: https://wp.me/pkz9Y-8A

[[5]]Dai, R. (2024). Theorem of the Impossibility to Precisely Match Nonlinearity with Averages of Scattered Data. Retrieved from: https://murongqingcao.wordpress.com/2024/06/12/664/

【[6]】戴榕菁 (2022)一不小心破解連續性假說(CH)?

【[7]】戴榕菁 (2022) 此事非同小可。。。

【[8]】戴榕菁 (2022) 康托集合論之哲學誤區

【[10]】戴榕菁 (2022) 這回他們真急了。。。

【[11]】戴榕菁 (2023)  康托碰不得?

【[12]】戴榕菁 (2024) 離散數據擬合非線性之不可能定理

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