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今年早些時候我將“When Philosophy Is Disparaged”一文整理成書,後由Scholars’ Press於5月出版【[1]】。其中有這樣兩段話:
……the greatest advances in human science over the past hundred years are not in theories of physics and related technologies, but rather in computer technology, automation and artificial intelligence, as well as related telecommunications and information technology. The development of computers especially the development of computer algorithms and programming, is basically independent of the development of frontier physics, despite there have been some generally limited influences from the development of frontier physics upon the development of computer hardware. In terms of the development of computer hardware, classical physics has so far played a far greater role than the most advanced quantum physics.
But on the other hand, the development of computer technology, automation and artificial intelligence obviously has a great impact on the advance of physics, both experimental and theoretical.
雖說這可以說是所見略同,但考慮到這兩個事件一個發生在前,一個發生在後,若幹年後,如果有曆史學家聲稱經過他們的考證發現,諾貝爾委員會是受到了“When Philosophy Is Disparaged”的啟發,應該會有人認同,而且很多人,嗬嗬J。。。。
“The development of computers especially the development of computer algorithms and programming, is basically independent of the development of frontier physics, despite there have been some generally limited influences from the development of frontier physics upon the development of computer hardware.”這段話中的第一個逗號不該有/(ㄒoㄒ)/~~。