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The populace of this world has been baffled by the myth of the Flying Saucer related UFOs (unidentified flying objects) for quite a long time. The central theme of all the Flying Saucer reports is the so-called extraterrestrial aliens. However, while ETs from other parts of the universe could be very realistic, it does not necessarily entail the conclusion that those rapid glowing Flying Saucers must be all driven by the aliens. As is demonstrated in this writing, humans have already mastered the necessary knowledge and technologies to build a glowing Flying Saucer which could not only fly super swiftly but also change its flying direction abruptly. Accordingly, the chance that a Flying Saucer witnessed by the citizens of a nation might carry visitors from a foreign country instead of a foreign planet could also be very high.
A few weeks ago, I watched a YouTube video of a speech given by an artist who formerly worked as a contractor for some sensitive industry. The video has attracted millions of hits, and in the video, the artist described some sightings of his own and his friends about Flying Saucers, which he believed to be made by humans. Inspired by his video, as a former student in aerodynamics (decades ago though), I started to investigate the possibility of building a Flying Saucer which could look and behave in the ways as normally described for UFO sightings. To my own surprise, the conclusion that I have reached after this investigation is crystal clear and affirmative: we are able to create a Flying Saucer with the technologies that have been known to humans for decades!
Unfortunately the abovementioned video neither gives the name of the speaker nor the occasion of the speech, and thus I am not able to accredit the speaker for the inspiration of his speech.
The sighting reports of Flying Saucers often come with emotional exclamations like “it’s impossible for humans to do this”, “it’s definitely not human because I don’t believe we have this kind of technology”. While those remarks would be soundly correct if referring to reports of UFO events happened early last century or before, they might be challengeable when referring to reports after 1970s. This is because humans had learned some knowledge and technologies that are fundamental for building a Flying Saucer for quite a while at that time.
Philosophically speaking, if we can demonstrate the capacity of building a UFO style Flying Saucer with our known technologies that have been basically available for decades, then our demonstration could very well serve to invalidate the implicit logic premise for the above mentioned remarks. In order to do so, let’s first look at what have been considered as the basic characteristics of the UFO style Flying Saucers.
In order to better understand why it is already possible for humans to build Flying Saucers, we might need to know what special features have been perceived as impossible by humans.
(continue to read at https://fairlifebook.wordpress.com/2019/06/05/who-was-flying-that-flying-saucer/)