
Relectant Buyer?

(2007-09-27 19:57:36) 下一個

For the first time of the week, Market hesitated. 

It is hard to tell whether there are more buyers than sellers or vice versa, the volume is drying up.  Maybe the big guys of wall street is waitting for something,maybe more confirmation of FED future action? more signs that economy is chaging along, or the anxiety of the forthcoming earning season.

Tomorrow , there will be more economic data to digest but it may not matter as most of the tea leave readers basically treat the current situation as glass half-full.   and lately, all the data looks actually very good except housing data.  So, tomorrow may not any exception.

However, the momentum of FED cut has run two weeks, and begin next week, the focus will be different.  so, just be cautious and leave your exit open.

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